Chapter 45: Undeserving

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I stopped her from packing her things throwing her suitcase on the floor. "Why the hell would you do that? She asked.

"I don't want to be here with you. I'm over this trip. You always find a way to humiliate me yet again" she yelled. I know she was pissed, just as pissed as she was last time or even worse.

"I'm sorry" I said. "I should've told you all of the trut-

"You never tell me any of the truth. That statement is false so" she said calmly cutting me off. I sat on the edge of the bed placing my hand on my head.

"I can't believe you fucked my best friend Rashad" She yelled.

"My best friend all these years she's been around me and had me out here looking stupid. You're unbelievable... actually you are believable this is some shit you would do. Who else did you fuck huh? She screamed. That whole remark had me fucked up.

"I guess I gotta go around now and ask if you fucked anybody I know. Who's next? My sister. Did you fuck my sisters too? She exaggerated.

I looked up at her like she was crazy.

"No I would never do that. What kind of question is that? I asked

"Ha" she laughed picking her suitcase back up. "No one is safe with you" she said. I completely understand that's she's mad but her talking to me like a piece of shit wasn't going to fly either. If I could go back into time I would change everything.

"I can't do this, when I look at you. I just want to hit you upside your head" she scoffed walking to the door. I quickly got up stopping her in her tracks.


Even when I found out he fucked both of them. I thought okay I can let it go but now my best friend Victoria. How low can he be? I wanted to just be angry and not cry. It was too damn early to be releasing all of these emotions. I didn't want him to have power over my emotions like he did last time. I didn't want it go how it went last time.

"Move" I said. "No we gotta finish this" he said. "I have nothing else to say to you, now move" I demanded trying to move him but he wouldn't budge. Which was making me more frustrated. You hold me hostage when you're the one that pissed me off?

"Get away from the door" I said calmly.

"Baby none of these women mean anything to me. I'm with you right now in this moment and I know its hard but let me explain "I said

"I don't care" I said. "I don't care for your rehearsed speeches. You're triflin as hell and there's no justification in the world that can explain this. I'm sick of your shit .. everybody was telling me not to get back with your ass and I should've listened"

"Can you just shut up for a second" I said moving from the door towards her. "No .. can you stop embarrassing me for a second? She asked. I didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm done with this" she mumbled.

"Just stop taking for a second" I said.

"No "She yelled.

"And don-

"Listen to me" I yelled. She didn't say anything she just looked at me trying to hold back her tears

"I never told you any of this because I knew your ass wouldn't be able to handle it but either way I should've told you.

"Then why didn't you tell me? She asked calmly.

"Because I love you and I care about your feelings" I said. "Psshh" she scoffed rolling her eyes.

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