Chapter 64: Love unconditional

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I embarrassingly walked down the hall, paranoid if anyone was going to notice that I was showing. I know oversized shirts and baggy clothes were eventually going to fail me. Bad enough, the whole school is talking about Rashad and me. We were the topic of conversation every day. Rashad the senior knocking up some junior and whether or not the baby is truly his and not another member of the basketball team. I went to my locker taking my books out of my bag getting ready for my biology, algebra, English and music classes. At this point it was no point of going, I was damn near missing out. The symptoms started to kick in and all my teachers could do was give me that "You knew better look or that's what her fast ass gets look' I closed the locker and was startled once I saw Rashad there with a playful look. I jumped "Scared you? He asked drinking his iced coffee from 7-eleven.

"Yes, dang..... Always being a creep" I said. "And you were supposed to get me one" I whined. He knows I loved my ice coffees as well as Chinese food. "Fuck, I did forget...My bad" he said handing it to me. I quickly grabbed it taking a sip. "Umm this is so good"

"Go ahead and keep it greedy" he chuckled. I sighed "Rashad what are we going to do when Makai gets here like how are we going to go about this? I asked worried. "Pshh I already told you, we can put him right in my book bag, you see" he said. He said it with so much seriousness I didn't whether I should laugh or be concerned.

"See there's space" he added. I began to laugh, he sure does know how to cheer me up. We had good days and bad days about this situation but as long as we had each other through that's all that matters. "You so stupid" I said. He kissed the side of my cheek "I'll see you after practice, oh and I have good news about college but... I'll tell you later" he said beginning to walk to class.

I smiled "Okay" I said taking a sip of my now iced coffee.

End of flashback

I smiled thinking back of a few memories of us. It's so crazy how life goes here we are a century later in a familiar experience. I sat on the exam table waiting for my prenatal exam. I was extremely nervous for the health of our baby do to stress. I prayed nothing changed since the last time.

"Hello Dear" Ms. White said coming in. "Good morning" I smiled watching her sanitize her hands. "How have you been feeling? She asked guiding me to lift up my hoodie. I've been wearing his oversized hoodies and jackets; That's been the only thing that's been keeping comfortable. I sighed "I'm here" I said.

"Well that doesn't sound too convincing are you stressed? She asked. "Yes, very" I answered. "From a scale from 1-10 how stressed are you? She asked.

"A 15" I said. She nodded in shock "Okay is it anxiety from giving birth? What is it? She asked

"Just personal family issues" I said. "Okay well baby is good, she's moving and everything seems fine "she said turning the ultra sound off. She then felt around my belly, a jumped a little at her kick. "Oh we have a kicker" she said.

"Yes, she's kicking me all over my ribs" I whined and it was extremely uncomfortable at times. That damn Rashad got me knocked up in the first place.

I laid on the couch watching the notebook trying not to get more emotional than I already was. I grabbed my bowl of ice cream changing the channel to something more uplifting. I flipped through Baby Boy, What's love got to do with it, Waiting to Exhale, & Love Jones. I kept the channel on A Different World as I laid back continuing to enjoy my ice-cream. I felt my baby kick again and I instantly became excited. I was so excited for her to get her but also sad that Rashad wouldn't be by my side through this delivery. I missed his presence so much. I missed his touch, I even missed him getting on my nerves. "I can't wait to meet you princess" I said lowly. Kai came down the steps walking past me to the kitchen. It's been pretty quiet in the house, I haven't had much problems with him since I slapped some sense into him but Kai has been quiet. He just eats and sleep, I guess were on the same page.

"Did you finish your homework? I asked. "Yeah, it's all done" he said grabbing a Gatorade from out the fridge. "Okay baby" I said continuing to look back at the show. I watched him slouch up the stairs.

"I love you" I said.

"Love you too mom" he said unenthusiastically. I placed my bowl of ice cream to take another one of my depression naps. I was awaken by Kai right under me. I was caught off guard a little bit. Kai is rarely under me so I needed to appreciate that as much as I can.

"Mom, I'm not having sex" he admitted randomly. I felt a sigh of relief release from my chest. "Oh thank god" I said to myself. I rubbed his hair "I know you weren't" I said lying. I sure as hell thought he was but I wanted him to know that his mother trusts him.

"And I love you too" he said looking at the TV. I smiled "I love you to the moon and back" I said.

And the stars"? He asked. "The galaxy" I chuckled. He sighed "I almost forgot to tell you, I have to talk to my teacher about bringing my grade up" he said. Suddenly an idea popped up in my brain. I can talk to that officer and try to get him to drop the charges. It's not too late and if the guy has a change of heart. Rashad can be released immediately. I just need an activist or an extremely woke person to say all of the things that I can't. "Hey, Kai can you make me some tea? I asked. "Sure mom" he said getting up. He dragged his feet back to the kitchen. "Lazy, just lazy I haven't seen anything like it" I said. Once he was completely out of my sight I called Takari. She quickly answered

"Hey Honey, you need anything? She asked.

"Hey Kari, do you ever so happened to still talk to your old college friend uh Megan? I asked.

"Megan? She asked.

"Yeah the one with the locs, that studied African Americana studies" I said.

"Oh, you mean Madison" she said. "Uh yeah why? She asked

"I have a plan" I stated


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