Chapter 51: Bliss

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1 week later

I watched the movers bring in our furniture. Its official we moved in with each other. I was hesitant at first because this is it now. I no longer have my own house so if something goes left. Were forced to work it out. I wasn't thinking about the negative but my mom didn't think it was the best idea. Kai on the other hand was thrilled, there was way more space and he now had a bigger room. Not to mention he has friends in his grandmother's neighborhood as well. I still couldn't believe how he transformed his grandmothers house that she gave to us. I know now what her purpose was, she was trying to bring us back together and it worked.

I sat on the couch looking at the usell app. I was selling some of my furniture knowing that everything couldn't fit. "My goodness ma, what do you have in here" Kai struggled carrying the box.

Later on that Night


I was on the phone adjusting some of the pictures on the wall. I stared at the family picture Tionne and I took when Kai was one. We were really young as hell.. this just reminded me how far we've come. Now were back together, I couldn't lie; I was really pumped she decided to move in with me. I fell in love again and I refused to mess up again. I turned around looking at her, she had her legs propped on the sectional looking through her phone. I was on the phone with my brother talking about what I was going to do next career wise. I didn't want to be a basketball coach all my life so I had to do some more soul searching.


I sighed looking at this email I was about to send. This was going make or break or relationship. I pray Rashad doesn't find out because he will kill me. I don't want to mess with his pride but this needed to be done. I'm tired of him moping around about how he could've been a NBA player when clearly he may have an opportunity.

Good evening Robert,

This is Tionne Brooks, Rashad Smith's girlfriend and mother of his child. I'm sorry to be emailing you this late in the evening; but I was wondering if you could consider contacting Rashad again? I know you did contact him the the first two times and he hasn't responded. You may know this but Rashad is very prideful, even though he hasn't responded to you. He desperately wants to and he wants whatever opportunity you give him. I hope I'm not asking for too much but this will be greatly appreciated.



"I still think you should hit up Robert" he said. All of sudden Tionne began coughing. I turned around "You okay? I mouthed. "Yeah I'm okay babe" she said

"Man its been months, he ain't gon have an opportunity for me. I'm not begging that man for a damn thing" I said.

"You're so damn prideful but I guess you'll figure out" he said. "Yeah don't worry about me.. I'll always make a way" I said.

"Housewarming party? He asked. "Yeah we'll get to it. Can we get situated first? I laughed walking over to the couch where she was. "Babe get off the phone" she said lowly.

"Of course just know its going to be lit when you do" he said. "You right about that but imma hit you up later. I gotta intend to somebody" I said looking over at her blushing. He laughed "Ard don't hurt em" he said hanging up.

"Now back to you" I said caressing her thigh. "You getting thick girl .. what have they been putting in your food? I asked.

"Oh my gosh everyone has been saying that.. damn must be fat" she said.

"I didn't say now did I? I asked. "No" she said simply. "I'm glad you decided to move in with me" I admitted. She smiled getting on top of me. "Aww, I'm glad I did too. We'll see how this goes" she said. I caressed her up and down.

"I know its been a little rocky lately but Imma do everything in my power to make you happy and make you feel comfortable. I know you have your doubts but I just want you to feel secure" I said.

"Yeah and maybe I should stop thinking negative all the time. It's just hard sometimes but I'm working it on" she smirked.

"We're a working progress" I said.

"So what are you going to do with your career? She asked. I sighed "For now I'll still coach but eventually I want to level up" I said. "You know what you should do" she said lowly.

"That situation is over, just leave it alone please" I said. She sighed "Okay I'll stay out of it" she said.

"Look all you have to worry about is not having the house look like weave central" I said. She began laughing "Your so stu-

She gasped getting off me. I just felt my crouch area partially wet. I scrunched my eyes confused. "Did you just piss on me? I asked. "I'm so sorry" she said running in the bathroom. I could tell she was embarrassed as fuck.

"What the hell? I said. I didn't know if I should laugh or be mad. "I have a weak bladder" she yelled from out the bathroom.

"Well a nigga must be hilarious" I said going upstairs to change my pants.

Oohh girl you are crossing the line.

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