Chapter 22: Pride

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I slowly opened my eyes from my slumber. I was pretty exhausted from the whole weekend and the exhaustion from crying again. I was confused on why all of sudden it seems like my exes are trying to be exclusive in some way. Now its Rashad being extremely flirty, then Davon shows up with roses. I'm starting to think I have no idea how the game works when it comes to men. Its not like my dad could really tell me. I love my dad dearly but he's always been a pushover, maybe that's where I get my traits from but I'm working on it. He was never the player type or the guy to break your heart. Maybe that's why he could never school me on how these men truly are. See my mom she's the fire. She's an alpha woman, just like my sisters they gravitate to her traits. sometimes I feel like I'm out the loop or like I'm not even one of hers because I feel so different. Today I have counseling which was helping a lot, its a slow process but it was great for venting. Then later on I'm going on a date with Davon. He's been begging me for the past week and although he doesn't deserve it. I want to hear him out.

I opened my door going to the bathroom noticing it was locked. I heard something unfamiliar a noise that was weird. I knew Makai was in the shower but I hope I wasn't hearing what I thought I was hearing. Oh God could this day start off anymore stressful. That explains him going through his lotion bottles like clock work. I couldn't believe this, he turns 11 in a few weeks. 

He walked out and jumped when he saw my face. I crossed my arms I wouldn't dare bring it up I wanted to save the embarrassment. "Please tell me you cleaned the tub? I asked with an attitude.

"Not yet" he said.

"Turn back around a clean the tub, I have to get in it" I said handing him the tub cleaner. "Ma why you seem so mad? He asked squirting the bottle all over the tub.

"I'm not mad honey" I said quickly changing the mood. I watched him wiped the tub out with the sponge. This reminded me to get my shower head fixed so I can use my own bathroom.

Later on that Day

"Tell me more about you and Rashad's relationship after you had the baby? She asked.

"It was cute at first he helped a lot but I could tell his mind wasn't there sometimes. He lost his deal and then he just became nasty... like he didn't know how to talk to me. It was very stressful" I explained.

"Sometimes I feel like Rashad and I were never really in love, I honestly think we were two young kids that slipped up and are taking care of our responsibility" I said

"Hmm did you ever ask what his intentions were with you? She asked. The more questions she asked the more questions I had for my parents what the hell were they doing?

"No I didn't want to be that annoying girl that asks a million questions. Now that I'm older I've realized that anybody I'm intimate with... I need to know what their intentions are with me" I said.

"So for your homework. I want you to go down memory lane and really get some clarity on your relationship with him from the present and the future" she said

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