-Chapter FiftySeven-

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Jungkook's POV

"Okay so I don't know what you guys want to do, so why don't we start off with each of you coming at me and I'll see how I can improve you all" Ren standing in front of us with her Katana resting on her shoulder.

"You sure, what if we hurt you?" Namjoon points out her.

"Dude she's the Kitsune, she'll kick our asses with out us even knowing!" I say putting both my arms out in her direction.

"He does have a point!" Tae smiles at her.

"Okay, I'm not good at hand to hand combat but I can wrestle and I'm pretty good with this" she says I look to the other guys who were all stood there, jaws dropped.

"Well I guess you guys didn't know that, also where did the three metal poles come from?" She questions, we all look to one another. "I went out last night and got some as some people only have guns and shit" Jed says.

"That's actually really thoughtful" Tae says trying to be nice but also hides behind me after.

"So who has what weapon?" She asks us and waits for us to answer individually.

"I've got my staff" I tell her whilst holding it in my hand.

"Baseball bat" Namjoon says as he  places it on his shoulder.

"I've got this" Jesus says holding up his Warhammer.

"I'll take a metal pole, as I don't think I'm allowed to shoot you" Tae chuckles as he picks up one of the poles.

"Yeah me too, knuckle dusters and knives aren't really good when your against a katana" Jimin nervously laughs. Ren picks up one of the poles passing it to him.

"You can have the last for three reasons, one I don't want to be tasered, two I don't want a throwing star stuck in any part of my body and three because it looks badass!" She smiles holding the last pole in Hobi's direction. Taking He he smiles and bows at her.

"Alright, I'm going to stand here, you guys circle around me and come from all different angles okay?" She tells us. We all move to surround her.

This should be interesting.

"Oh and Tae" she calls over to him. Lookinh from Jimin to her he smiles.


"If someone does hurt me, no getting over protective" he holds his heart.

"No promises" he smirks before glaring at Jed before looking back Jimin.

"Okay let's start"

Serenity's POV

I stood in the centre of their circle they had formed around me and waited for the first one to attack. Jed was the first one to come at me, he swung his Warhammer at me and I blocked it with my katana. Then with a flick of my katana I knocked his Warhammer out of his hand on to the floor.

"Obvious hit" I look towards him and he just scoffs at me. Crouching down to pick his hammer up, I swing me leg to knock his ankles out from under him making him fall flat on his arse.

"Why would your enemy pick your weapon up? You left yourself completely open! I could have put my katana straight through you" I explain as I lean over him.

"I thought-" I cut him off.

"Since when do you think? Get up!" I say and get back into my battle stance.

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