-Chapter TwentyNine-

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Two Days Later

Serenity's POV

So what's new?

Well me and Tae are officially a couple.

And yet I don't feel any happier than I was before. I actually feel like crying. Something I hardly feel. I am sat with Hobi, who was so happy for me. As we were talking I felt my phone vibrate in my hoodie pocket. Taking it out from my pocket, I unlock it seeing an unread text. From my brother. Jake.

Big Bro😊;
Hey Rennie, I hope everything is going good and I really hope you haven't got lost! But knowing you, you've probably gotten lost😂xx

I go to reply but I soon remember that I can't. I hate not being able to talk to him I actually miss him. My annoying older brother. Sitting next to Hobi I decide to scroll though my photos. Clicking on to the app to look for the photos from Mexico I notice two new photos that were taken this morning.

Being curious I click on them. One was of me and Tae sleeping, facing each other. The other being one with his hand on mine. I can tell J took them because in one of them her shoe is in it.

My mouth starts to feel dry. "I need a drink" I tell Hobi who just nods. Standing up, I start to walk over to the drinks. But before I get half way someone hugs me from behind. Smiling to myself I look up to see Tae smiling wide.

"Seven new people have just entered the maze" Namjoon says looking up to us all.

"How do you know that?" Amber questions him.

"When the gates shut they make the water bottles wobble" he says looking from us to the water.

He's so observant.

"Does that mean it's been four weeks already?" Yoongi says looking at Namjoon who nods at his question.

"Do you ever think we will get out from here?" Jed asks.

"Probably not, last time people tried to escape the voice also known as the Blocked ID killed the escapees" Yoongi says again.

"I think we should try? I mean there are eleven of us, we could do it" I hear Jed say.

"Yeah but then, if we do get out, they probably won't stay together" Jimin says looking over to me and Tae as we're next to each other with our fingers laced together.

"Jimin does have a point, I mean you guys will probably go back to Korea and I'll stay here" I pipe up.

"You guys could make it work, you know there is a thing call long distance, don't worry! All I just want to do is go home and be with my cat!" J says looking at me.

"I can just move into the holiday home that we have over here!" Tae says making me look to him, as he looks over to Namjoon.

"Maybe, but we can't leave yet can we?" Namjoon replies.

"Okay let's make a deal? If one more of us gets killed we will try to escape?" Jungkook says coming up with an idea.

"Deal" the rest of us all say.

"Just thought I'd say that we are running low on food mainly because no one have been out in days.

"Me, Ren, Jed and Amber can go? J says looking at me for my approval.

"I don't like that" Tae gently squeezes my hand.

"Tae, I'll be fine I promise" I softly kiss him on the cheek.

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