-Chapter FiftyOne-

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Half An Hour Later

Jaimé-Leigh's POV

J spin kicks me in my side making me stumble back and in haist to steady myself I fling my arms releasing right grip from my katana's handle. Stopping we watch it fly straight into wall that was right next to Hobi making him jump into Namjoon arms as he does this high pitch banshee scream.

Whilst starring at Hobi because he was did an extremely high pitch scream, I started to taste metal in my mouth. Not liking the taste it I spit out the blood that was in my mouth onto the floor and then look towards J.

"How do I always miss that?!" I say to her with my eyebrow raised.

"Hey at least I didn't knock your tooth out this time" Namjoon then speaks up

"How old were you then? Like when you knocked her tooth out?" He asks.

"I was 12 she was 13" she replies to him and he just stands there shocked.

"And yet after 7 years you still proceed to do so" I frown at her.

"Shouldn't have horse bit me then?!"

"You still go on about that, I haven't done it since!"

"And you flicked my ankle bone too" she points towards me starting a little war.

"You broke my fingers because of that!" I say with my voice high pitched.

"You made me punch a door frame!"

"Why did you punch a door frame?!" I here Yoongi ask. Me and J both huff and turn around to see all the guys starring at us both.

"It's a long story" we both say at the same time, before quickly turning back to face each other.

"AND you pushed me down some stairs"

"You cut my ten pack of cigarettes in half" She starts again.

"And you stabbed me ten times with a compass and made me go by more!"

"You ripped my G-Dagon poster" she growls. Out the corner of my eye I could see all the guys heads moving back and forth between me and J like a game of tennis.

"That was an accident and you you then took my legs out from underneath me"

"Remember in the car you changed my favouite song by Sleeping With Sirens?!"

"Yes! You then grabbed my new two week old phone took the aux cable out and threw it out the window smashing it to peices!" She laughed a little, obviously remembering the day she did that.

"You learned not to change that song again though, also don't you remember when the guy made a perverted comment towards you so I knocked him out and then you smacked me around the back of the head and told me I overreacted?"

"I totally agree with everything J did" I hear Tae say making me roll my eyes at his statement.

"See he understands!" She says pointing towards him, well I think she pointed towards him as I didn't actually look.

"And then you left me of the side of the street and stole MY car and drove off without me, leaving me to walk back ten blocks in the pissing rain, and you still didn't get me the phone you had promised me so I couldn't even order an uber!"

"Well you got home safe didn't you?" She smiles getting all cocky.

"That's beside the point! And then I get back to see that you completely wrecked my car because you can't even drive! You ride a two wheeled bike not a four wheeled car!"

"Hey guys I think that's enough, as entertaining as it is you guys should maybe stop" Jimin says coming closer to me and J with Tae by his side. They both separated us as they didn't know what would happen. Once Tae had gotten me a little away from J he gave me a back hug and rested his chin on my shoulder.

Out the corner of my eye I could see Jed getting agitated.

"Your the one who got me arrested" I quickly say back to J and her jaw drops.

"That was your own fault not mine I just helped and it's not my fault you didn't run fast enough!" She fires back to me.



"Okay let's call it at that, shake hands and be done" Jin says trying not to laugh at us. We both nod, walking to each other we shake hands.

"Untill next time" we both laugh in sync.

We then both see Jesus go for Tae from behind. I quickly let go of J's hand and rush to Tae's aid to make sure he is alright as I didn't  seek what had actually happened. J goes over to Jed and grabs his arm before she slams him against the wall.

"You know to to attack from behind is a cowards move and we don't associate ourselves with cowards" she says in a venomous voice.

"That's it! Training is done for today!" Jed says to us all, making me and J look towards one another then back to him.

"You don't decide that" we both say in stone cold voice that we would use when we are the Huntress and the Kitsune. Everyone shivers at the tone of our voices.

"Dude what even is your problem recently?!" J growls at him.

"I'd rather say in private" he frowns at her. I then grab his arm, pushing him towards the door, the three of us step inside.

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