-Chapter Four-

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Serenity's POV

Filling in the application, I quickly scan through it making sure all our details were right. I click the blue button that says apply.

"Okay so, I've put all our names down for the group of seven, and it says that I should get an email in the next five to ten minuets" I read off of the screen. I look up to them all. All of them are sat on the edge of their seats watching me like hawks. Well everyone except from J because she was just too busy reading.

Once again.

"It's been six minuets you should check your emails" Amber and Kay say in synchronisation.

Seriously I don't think they understand how creepy it's getting. Like it's actually starting to scare me a little how they can do that?!

Logging on to my emails. I refresh it a couple of times and nothing new comes though. I look up. "Have they sent it yet?" Jed questions me. Shaking my head in respond they all frown at me. All leaning back into their chairs we all go back to waiting.

I look at everyone individually. The last person I look to is Charlie. Who was just sitting there watching J. Raising my eyebrow at the poor lad as he tries to talk to J about something but because one is reading he won't get a response from her.

Trying to get a response from her when she is reading is like trying to get blood from a stone.


"Try checking now" J speaks up whilst looking up from her phone.

"I checked just under two minuets ago" Telling he I still refresh my emails.

"And? You know two minuets can make a difference" rolling my eyes at her comment, I look to the screen showing my emails.

Oh look I don't have any new emails. Wait! I doo. Clicking on the unknown email address, it opens up the full email.

"I got it! I got the email" I pause as I continue to read the email my head.

"Ren, what does it say?" Charlie questions me whilst sitting on the edge of his seat. Scanning the email I only pick out the important parts.

"It basically tells us that a car will be here to pick us all up on June 9th at 12pm, which is in three days" I pause as I scroll down the email a little.

"Here it also explains here that we need to take up to two weeks worth of clothes as it's a two week stay, which is fair enough" I continued as I got to the bottom of the email.

"Well with all that sorted best text the she devil and let her know what's happening, not like I want her to come but ya know" J leans back into her chair making us all laugh.

"You with your insults, name calling is just makes everything better" Jed chuckles whilst wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Jed dude it wasn't even that funny?" J raises her eyebrow. I missed what happened next as I zoned out due to texting Taylor.

Serenity 💫;
Hey hey, so I got the email with the details and it tells us to pack two weeks worth of clothes along side essentials, also be at mine and J's before 11:30am or stay here on the 8th as there will be a car here at exactly 12pm on June 9th that will take us all to the house x

Pressing send, I look up from my phone. "I've sent a text to Taylor explaining everything, I've just got to wait for a repl-"

Before I could finish my sentence my phone vibrates with a text message. Giving my phone all my attention I read her reply.

AHH this is getting exciting! See you then, I actually cannot wait going to be such a good trip😍

"So what did she say" Amber speaks on her own. I'm shocked Kay didn't say anything. That's probably the first time this year.

"This is her text, ahh this is getting exciting! See you then, I actually cannot wait going to be such a good trip, and signed it off with the heart eyes emoji" I tell them as I read the text from my phone screen.

"Seeing as we leave in three days, maybe we should all go and pack?" Kay pipes up.

"Then like maybe the night before so on the 8th, we could all stay here so we are all together before we leave?" Jed suggests

"Sounds like a plan, but none of you are staying in my room! That's my special place which I don't not to be invaded by any of you peasants" J tells us all, eyes still glued to her phone screen.

Everyone bar J gets up. One by one they all leave to go back home to can all pack their bags for the house maze. If I'm being honest I'm pretty excited yet a little nervous. Only because I don't actually like mazes much, but I guess it'll be okay I'll have everyone alongside me, so it should be fun!

"Byee bitches" J shouts fromher chair in livingroom. As they all walk down the path they waves back.

"Bye guys see you later" waving back to them. Once they were out of sight, I close the door. Walking back into the living room I go up to J. Standing in front of her I clear my throat.

"Nice jumper looks a lot like mine" Folding my arms I frowns.

"About this" she pinches the jumper.

"I couldn't find any of mine so I'm temporarily borrowing this one" a guilty smile creeps on to her face. I've been missing that exact jumper for over two months. I wonder what other jumpers on mine she has taken and not told me.

"I've been missing that jumper for over two months only to find you took it, you know what just keep it doesn't fit me that well anymore" walking away from her, I turn around to tell her something but all I see is her jumping and prancing around like a child. Well that is until she notices me watching.

"Yes I know I'm jumping and prancing around like a twat, no need for those judgy eyes Ren"

Look at her I just shake my head. "I'm not judging" chuckling to myself I open the door.

"Yeah, lets go pack, I think we need to help each other" Nodding I start to walk up the stairs.

"I also need to steal more of your jumpers" she mumbles from behind me thinking I won't hear it.

"Umm no you won't you little shit" I say as I reach the top of the stairs. Walking into my room I leave J on the landing.

Die Trying | BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon