-Chapter FortyEight-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

"Aww did Jed get told off" I wind him up a little.

"Yes I did now leave me alone to sulk in the corner of the room okay!" He says to me and walks over to the corner at the back of the room and sits facing the wall with his back to us all.

"He's such a child it actually annoys me!" Suga says loud enough for him to hear.

"Suga just piss off!" Jed shouts back to him and gives him the middle finger.

"Aww are you going though a little lovers tiff you guys?" I say to them both.

"Umm how about no" Jed says though his teeth where as Suga just laughs.

"You best be joking J" I laugh a little before I nod at him.

Suddenly I feel arms come around my waist and being me I flip that person over my shoulder out of habit but when the person lands on the floor I realise that it's Jimin.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" I quickly apologise to him and he just smiles. He then quickly looks over to Jungkook who is also looking down on to him. I mean he is always looking down to him. Jiminie isn't the tallest of people. But it's cute.

"Still?" Jungkook questions him.

"Yep still" he tells him as we all chuckle and laugh at him. I put my hand out to help him up, taking my hand he rises from the floor.

"You know, It's meant to be the other way around I'm meant to be helping you up!" I just smile at him.

"Maybe we just work differently to other relationships, I mean come on we're are completely different to Ren and V!" I point and look towards the pair as he is stood behind her, arms wrapped around her, with his chin on her shoulder.

"Yeah that's true" he says whilst dusting himself off.

"So when do we start training then?" Namjoon asks me and Ren. I look at my phone and it says 16:54 I then show Ren the time.

"Maybe tomorrow, J probably can't be arsed now, can you?" She looks towards me.

"I know I'm lazy but I'm not that lazy you bitch" I frown to her.

"But yeah she's right I can't be arsed to do anything now, how about we plan the training out?" I ask.

"How do we even plan training out?" I whisper to Ren.

"I guess it's like giving us breaks and stuff and we would have to practice on each other like fighting wise because there are not any practice bodies anywhere like they have at training places, guess it's going to be like when we were training growing up" she tells me, I nod in response.

She's always been better than me at planning things out. I always used to double cross stuff so I always ended up relying on Ren to sort it.

"So when did you guys start training?" Hobi asks the Two is us.

"From a very young age and it was my idea after I karate kicked my brother in the nose" I said to them all.

"It was kind of like an escape for us, and then we put it to use later on" Ren explains further.

"You can teach us stuff to can't you?"

"Because we're not as experienced as you guys!" Jungkook days finishing Jimins sentence.

"Yeah, we can do that" Ren says looking for my approval too.

"Yeah, we should group up but because there are only nine of us so there will have to be a group of three, and we can changed people at times because they may know a move you don't" I say to them all.

"We can also teach you the rules of fighting" Ren says to them. I remember the rules we made. Some of them were so pointless. But then some of them were definitely needed.

Out the corner of my eye I see Jed walk over to us counting how many there are. "You said there was nine of us when there is actually ten of us" he starts to say.

"No there are only nine" I say raising my eyebrow.

"One" he says pointing to himself. Is he seriously going to count us all?!

"Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight" he points towards Jin who starts to look a little anxious. "Nine and Ten" he says pointing to me and Namjoon.

"Well done you can count up to ten would you like a gold star?" I give him some sass and sarcasm. Two of my best traits.

"Don't be an ass J face it, I was right and you were wrong"

"Dude but you were wrong seeing as only nine people are fighting you fucking idiot" I say getting annoyed with him.

"Okay so what one of these idiots isn't fighting then? Bravo you've let the team down" Great because that's really what Jin wants to hear isn't it.

"You wanna shut your mouth" I say through my teeth to him and he steps closer to me so we are only inches apart, and out the corner of my eye I could see Jimin tensing up.

"Why should I? it's the truth"

That's it lets put him in his place. Seeing as he right in front of me I grab his throat and kick his legs out from underneath him slamming him to the ground, whilst bringing him to the ground I pulled one of my Chinese ring daggers out from my boot and hold it up to him.

"Rule number one always have a weapon hidden on you some where" Ren quickly says.

"You going to shut your mouth now?! I say to him and he doesn't look impressed at all.

"Get off J"

"What has gotten into you recently?! Ever since Ren and V have been a lot closer you've been acting like a spoiled little brat!" I say with my dagger still in hand.

"Get off me" he fires back to me.

"No! Tell me what is up with you?! And there is a perfectly good reason why one person doesn't want to fight! He told me I understand, and because he doesn't want to fight doesn't make him an idiot or mean he's letting the team down, if that's anyone is it's you because of this attitude, now grow up and deal with it" I growl to him, he nods at me.

Slamming my dagger into the floor next to his face, he flinches away. "Anyway, let's talk groups" Ren says whilst pulling me up from Jed.

"I'm with Ren" "I'm with J" Jimin and V both say.

"Sorry lover boys but we will be practicing together" she says slinging her arm around my shoulder.

"Fine, I'm with kookie! JIKOOK is back" Jimin saying running over to Jungkook who then grabs suga's arm.

"I wanna be with Suga hyung" Jungkook says.

"Yeah I'm fine with that" Suga says nodding along with it.

"I'll go with you" Namjoon says to Jimin making him smile.

"Awww Namjoonie hyung wants to be my partner" he rubs in Jungkook's face.

"I'll go with V could be interesting" Jed speaks.

I wanna know that's up with him he's acting like he's jealous of V.

"What about us?" Hobi says pointing to himself and Jin.

"Pick a group Hobi" and he looks to the rest of them.

"I'll go with Namjoon and Jimin?" He says looking for their acceptance.

"I don't see why not" Namjoon replies him, where as Jimin just nods.

"What about you Hyung?" Jungkook asks Jin.

"I'm going to sit this one out, sorry guys" he says to us all, we all nod in understanding but Jed sighs.

"Shut up will you!" Ren says punching his arm and he rubs it after, I will admit that girl has a hard hit!

"Don't worry Jin I'll sit out at times with you so your not alone" Hobi says whilst smiling brighter than the sun!

"Okay that's groups sorted then, now time to organise the breaks and stuff" Ren announced whilst looking in my direction.

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