-Chapter FiftyFour-

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Serenity's POV

"You nerve pinched me?!" Was the first thing Jed said as he awoke from his little nap.

"Yes, yes I did, so that's counting to ten and remembering stuff that's two gold stars for you!" J says getting more and more annoyed with him.

"And I think you owe someone an apology?!" J says again.


"Me, maybe?!" I speak up.

"Have you seen my face? Jin was sat there for ages with tweezers picking out pieces of glass from my cheek!" I say pointing towards Jin.

"Look I'm sorry but I was angry!" He says sitting next to me.

"Mate don't even think for two seconds your sitting next to me, I don't give a shit if you were angry there was no need for it and I would appreciate it also if you apologised to Tae for going for him from behind" I say with anger in my voice. Standing up, he walks away from me.

"Sorry V but that's just the way it happened" Tae nods at his words as he continues to put his arms around me making Jed twitch.

"You really don't like him do you?" I whisper whilst looking at him. He shakes his head.

"Not at the moment but I'll be civil with him as he's meant to be a very close friend to you" he says looking at me.

"Thank you" I say and kiss him on the cheek earning comments from everyone.

"So are we training tomorrow or?" Yoongi asks me and J who currently her legs resting on Jimin.

"Tomorrow I'm going to hack into the cameras but Ren can teach you guys some stuff if she wants to?" J looks to me for approval.

"I don't see why not could be fun"

"Ren can you come over to me and stroke my arm please?" J says to me holing out her arm in my direction.

"No, I'm comfortable sat where I am" I tell her as Tae was drawing circles on to my back.

"I'll stroke your arm for you?" Jimin speaks up. She quickly pouts before looking towards him.

"No one is as good as Ren, pretty please Ren?" I shake my head at her.

"Fine I didn't want to do this but fine, Jimin you can stroke my arm" she moved her arm to Jimin trying to make me jealous.

"Hey J?" I say over to her.

"Yeah?" She questions me all happy.

"I'm still not going to stroke your arm"

"Screw you assbutt" she says turning away so I can't see her face.

"Finally not I don't have to look at your ugly mug anymore" I say and she turns around again.

"I'll have you know that I get my looks from"

"I know you tell me all the time" I say cutting her off"

"It is very rude to cut people off" she laughs at me.

"Maybe me moving in with you guys is a good idea? I could save either one of you from death by each other!" Tae giggles making me and J look to him whilst chuckling along with him.

"Man I'm hungry" Jungkook just randomly speaks.

"What's the time?" He questions everyone.

"It is 15:52 well 3:52pm" I say over to him.

"Man this day is dragging" Yoongi groans and we all agree.

"What can we do pass the time?" Hobi asks sounding super bored.

"Does anyone have any playing cards?" J suddenly asks.

"No why would someone pack cards?" Jed speaks up. Both me and J give him the shut the hell up look, to which he does so.

"Actually yes, I packed some because when I get bored I play solitaire" Namjoon tell us whilst pulling out a pack of cards from his bag.

"Let's play strip poker" Jungkook says. Jin then stands up and slaps him around the back of the head.

"Namjoon what have you been teaching this kid?" Jin asks him.

"Hey this ones not on me this time ask Jimin and Suga" and Jin glares towards them as they both point to one another.

"How about we play 21?" I pipe up and they all look at me.

"What's that?" Hobi asks me.

"You've never played 21?!" J asks and all seven of them shake there heads.

"Basically you start of with two cards and everyone takes turns into picking up a card, unless yours already equals 21, the aim of the game is to have the closest to 21, if you go over you get a bust and the person closest to 21 wins" I explain to them as they all nod in understanding.

"So what do the Kings, Queens, Jacks and Ace equal?" Namjoon asks me.

"The Kings, Queens and Jacks all equal ten and an Ace equals one or eleven but when me and J play it normally equals one" I explain further.

"I think we should split in to two teams of five and go against each other" Hobi says giving out a good point.

"Okay but me and Ren need to be on the same team otherwise shit will get real" J tells them making me laugh.

"How about me, J, Hobi, Jungkook and Yoongi on one team and Tae, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin and Jed on the other?" I say asking for approval and they all seem to agree on the teams.

"Okay me vs Jimin first" J announces, and all we here is Jimin gulp.

"This could either end in tears or laughter" I laugh.

"Oooo!!" Jungkook's says out loud earning us all to look to him but before he could speak Tae did.

"Team names! We need team names" he says all happy.

"Dude! That what I was going to say, great minds think alike" he says high fiving Tae.

"More like childish minds" Jed sharply says before J just punch his arms.

"Let's discuss the names" Jin smiles. We all huddle in to the two separate groups and come up with names.

A couple minutes later we finally came to a name we all agreed on. "What's yours then?" Namjoon asks us.

"We are two Badasses and the Other three" J quickly pipes up.

"That's not the name we chose" Hobi frowns as he leans forwards to look at J.

"Yeah well the other suggestions sucked"

"Okay what about you guys?" I quickly ask them.

"We are The Brain, the Beauty, the Alien, the Sexy and Jed , as you can tell Jed didn't contribute very much" Namjoon frowns at him.

"Good name I like it!" I smile.

"Okay let's get down to business, let's play!" Namjoon says as J deals out the cards.

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