-Chapter Seventeen-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Is four were the last ones back to the safe house. We had found some food but not a lot. Not a lot at all.

Looking around I could see everyone was doing their own thing. I find Ren, she looka in Taehyung's direction. Walking over to him she walks straight past him and goes to Hobi.

I quickly look to Taehyung who was smiling but as soon as she walked past that smile soon faded. Looking back to the floor he continues to do whatever it was he was doing. Shrugging to myself I decided to go sit with him.

"Hey Taehyung" I say to him with a small smile. I don't smile much but Ren's always told me that a small smile can brighten someone's day. Looking up a small smile appears on his face when he notices it's me.

"Hey J, I can call you that right?" He quickly asks me.

"Please do! Also I've decided to call you V" I tell him. A confused expression spreads across his face.

"Why V?" He asks whilst tilting his head like a puppy.

"I think it suits you, plus maybe it could stand for something like victory?" Nodding a rectangle box like smile appears on his face.

Sitting next to him I get curious to what he is actually doing? "So what are you doing there then?" I question him. He drops a lengthy piece of fabric. Being the kind person that I can be I pick it up and pass it back to him.

"I'm currently cleaning my gun" He takes the fabric back.

I want to ask him about Ren but then I don't want to do it I front of everyone. "Hey V?" He doesn't look up but he nods so I know he's listening.

"I'm going outside for a cigarette, wanna come?" He looks up at me.

"I don't smoke, but the sound of fresh air seems good" he says placing the bottle gently down.

He looks over to Ren and Hobi who are laughing, smiling and taking to each other. Huffing he stands up. "Come on then" standing up I pay my pockets. No lighter.

"Let me grab my lighter first, I'll meet you by the door" I point to my back before jogging over to it. Grabbing my lighter I walked towards the door where V was stood.

We both walk out the safe house, both had a gun hid on us somewhere, just to be safe. I opened my mouth to talk but V beats me too it.

"J, what's Serenity's type?" I smile at his fragile question.

I knew it. I love being able to read people. But then sometimes I hate it too. I knew he liked her only because every time she's around his face lights up, always happy!


I light my cigarette, I look over to him. His face had lit up like a Christmas tree. "I take it you like her?" All he does is nod.

"Yeah I think I do, I've only told you and Yoongi but I just get a small sense that she likes Hobi" Blowing smoke out from my mouth I shake my head.

"They're only becoming close, they're like one another and things in common like the throwing stars, believe and trust me once she gets to know you, she's always be by you"

I finished my cigarette. Looking in my packet to see how many I have left. I frown in disappointment. "That was my last one, I think, I hope I packed another packet" I stand up and V follows.

V opens the door, letting me walk though first I head straight over to my rucksack, hoping even praying to myself that I had another packet. But do you think I could find any? Nope. I guess today is the day I quit.

"Shit, that was my last one, this is going to be a very stressful however many years I'm going to be stuck in this place!" I stamp my feet in annoyance.

"Stop stamping your feet like a five year old" Someone calls over to me.

Turning around I see who it was. Charlie.

Charlie who's sitting on the wooden floor looks at me. This comment pissed me off a little. Time to show him not to agitate me. Kneeling down I pretend to look back in my bag. But instead I pull out one of the Chinese ring daggers out from my right combat boot.

I stand up and huff. Charlie went back to talking to whoever he was sat next to, I didn't pay much attention. Without aiming I throw the dagger at him. I wanted it to hit him but I couldn't do that, well not in front of everyone.

I threw it in a downwards angle so it landed about three centimetres away from his crotch.

Looking up to me, down to the dagger, then back to me his face shows complete shock.

"Say that again bitch I dare you"

I feel someone grab my arm. It could only be one person. I still look to see who it was. Ren. She pulls me towards the bathroom. I have a feeling she's going to have a go at me.

It wasn't my fault.

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