-Chapter FiftyTwo-

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Serenity's POV

"Well speak then, don't just stand there looking sorry for yourself!" I say with anger filling my voice as I glare at Jed.

"Don't you start getting angry with me now! This is all your fault!" He finally says.

"How is it her fault? Your the one who's been acting like a child recently and the one who just came at her boyfriend from behind like a fucking coward" J says getting angry too.

"Explain yourself or I swear to god I will punch you!" J pushes his shoulder for him to talk.

"FINE! I hate seeing Ren be all happy and shit especially with him! Like what does he have that I don't?" He pauses and looks towards me.

"Ren I've always been the one there for you, when you ran away from home I took you in not V, when you moved into your new house I stayed there with you not him! I'm the one who's always been there you've only just met the guy who knows he could be exactly like Ryan! Remember him the guy you were madly and deeply in love with, the guy who played with your heart strings, and remember when he went missing I was the one comforting you, NOT J AND NOT TAEHYUNG!!" He says shouting at me.

"So you are just jealous because I'm in love with Tae and not you?!" I say with a little shock, and some anger in my voice.

"You hate seeing me happy, fine your wish may be granted I won't be happy any longer I will go back to my old ways when I wasn't laughing and having fun, remember that Serenity? Yeah well she's back and isn't going to take any of your dumb shit" I say pushing him against the wall.

"I would have never been with you ever, do you know why?! Because I've always seen you as my brother and I always will, how does that make you feel" I say whilst walking backwards to J.

"OHHH Namjoon she just knocked him straight back into the friend zone" I here Hobi tell Namjoon from outside before going back to being quiet like the rest of them.

"Jed you seriously need to grow up and act mature, you really think that by taking V out from behind is going to make Ren fall in love with you?! That would make her hate you even more you complete idiot!" J say getting annoyed with his stupidity.

"I do not give two shits!" He growls and picks up something glass and throws it against the wall.

"Yeah because throwing stuff is the way forward yep real mature"

I start feel something drip down my cheek. "Way to go you dick, I've now got glass imbedded in my cheek! Thanks a bunch" I say to him and the sudden realisation hits him. He threw it at the wall right next to me.

"I've had enough of your shit for today" J says punching him in the face making him stumble back. Once he had stopped moving she did the Vulcan nerve pinch one him making him fall the floor.

She then walks over to the door and opens in and all the other guys all collapse into the house. "Did you enjoy the entertainment?" She laughs as she asks them.

"Ren are you okay? You're bleeding" Tae running over to me holding my head up.

"t's just a little scratch, I'll be fine" I smile at him whilst he shakes his head.

"Jin can you help me get the glass out of her cheek please" he asks over to Jin and he nods grabbing the first aid kit. I then see Yoongi stand up and dust himself off before he walks a little over to Jed. Lightly kicking him lightly with his foot and frowns.

"Not that I care or anything but I don't think he's breathing anymore" he looks from me to J.

"It's just one of the side effects from the Vulcan nerve pinch I just did on him I'm sure he'll be fine, and if he isn't it one less twinkle douche to deal with!" She tells the truth.

"You sure your okay Ren? You've gone a little pale!" J asks as she comes over to me.

"I'm fine I just don't like the feeling of glass stuck in my face that's all" I say back to bed. I am then suddenly surprised with a back hug from Tae whilst Jin is picking the ring shards of glass from my cheek.

"What was that for?" I ask him out of confusion.

"I dunno you just looked to huggable" he speaks into my ear whilst making me laugh earning me a light tap on my shoulder.

"No moving" Jin said to me as he we extremely close to my eye with some tweezers.

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