-Chapter Seven-

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Two Years Ago

Taehyung's POV

"Guys wake up!" I jump awake to Jimin and Jungkook's voices. Opening my eyes I see a pair of arms hugging me. Wriggling I roll over and see that the arms belong to Yoongi.

Last night we came to the decision and decided to camp out in the living room. Poking Yoongi's cheek he yawns. I do it again. Biggest mistake. I nearly got throat punched but him!

I mean at least he's awake?

"Why did you wake me I was dreaming" he yawns. Finally being free from his grasp, I stand up.

"Maybe because you were hugging me in your sleep, mind telling me why, not that I care you're really warm" I laugh by the end of my sentence.

"I don't know? I'll Black the fact that it's because my snuggle pillow is in your suitcase" he says whilst attempting to copy my box smile.

Nodding I go to walk away but then realise what he has actually said. "What? Why is your snuggle pillow in my suitcase?" I question him standing in front of him, hand on my hip.

"Because I ran out of room in mine case" "It's a good thing I have a large suitcase then isn't it" I mumble, walking over to my suitcase before sitting on it.

I checked my watch. 12:59pm. Walking over to the window I see a large black car pull up outside. Turning around to face all the guys I grab the handle of my suitcase.

"The car is here, let's go!" I called out to them all. All moving quicker than the speed of light, everyone grabs their individual suitcases and make our way out the house.

Jin being the most responsible one locks the front door. Pulling our luggage to the car, and putting them all into the boot we all climb into the car.

There was a three seater bench, at the back, another bench in the middle which was a two seater, then there was two single seats.

Climbing in first I sit on the bench at the back along with Hobi and Suga. Sitting in front of us together was Jimin and Kookie. Then on the two single seats in front of them was Jin and Namjoon.

The first twenty minuets of the drive passed and Suga was already curled up sleeping with his head on my shoulder. Seeing him sleeping made me a little sleepy. But I think that me and Jin are the only ones who are actually awake.

Pulling my phone out from my hoodie pocket an type a text to him.

Hey Hyung, I can see you're awake because you keep laughing at something? Do you know who else is awake?

Sitting and staring at my phone screen I wait for him to reply. Seconds past and I end up getting bored of looking at a blank screen. I then find myself scrolling through my pictures.

Clicking on one of a selfie, I smile to myself. It's a selfie that all seven of us are in probably taken about two months ago. We where all pulling the most hideous faces.

Princess Jin👑;
Tae hey! Yeah I think everyone except us two are asleep, Namjoon is leaning against the window doing his little snore, I can probably guess that Yoongie is curled up sleeping with his head you?

How does he know that? He really does know everything! Quickly tapping my screen I text him back. I am still amazed by how he guessed that, maybe he can read minds?

How did you know that? Can you read minds now too?!

Princess Jin👑;
Nope and nope, I heard someone mumble from back where you're sat so I looked around to see who it was, that's the story of how I know how Yoongi is leaning against you😂

So maybe he doesn't have the cool power of being able to read minds. Reading his message I decide not to reply as I want to try and get some sleep on this long drive.

I highly doubt Jin will sleep. He doesn't normally sleep when we are in cars that aren't being drove by any of us or himself.

Yawning I shine my phones light onto my watch to see the time. 13:50. I have no idea how close or far away we where, but feeling a little tired, I decide to get a little shut eye.

I feel someone poke me. Opening my eyes and looking out the window I see that we had stopped moving. Pressing the home button onto my iPhone I check the time. 18:28. We all jump out the car to collect our suitcases.

"Where are we?" I ask everyone whilst my eyes stay glued to the house.

"Dude, this is the house maze" Jimin places his name onto my shoulder.

My jaw instantly drops.

"Uhh what?! This looks just a little different from the picture" I say with wide eyes whilst they all laugh at me.

Entering the house, we get told about the signal problems here, with no signal we can't call or receive texts depending on where we stand we can sometimes receive texts. We then get shown to our rooms, I end up rooming with Jimin.

"Hello, Bangtan Sonyeondan" a loud voice echoed though the halls of the house. Running out the room into the hallway with Jimin we meet the other five, who have the same expression as us. Confused.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan will be your new group name, you will be given thirty minutes to unpack your belongings, you will also need to eat well, as we don't want you to starve" the voice has a pretty nerve racking tone to it.

"There is map to the maze under each of your pillows, you will need that for the maze tomorrow another thing, this is not a holiday! That is all for now" the voice leaves, I look around to see all the other guys frowning and glaring at me.

"Tae did you bother to maybe read the fine print?" Jin questions me whilst reading the fine print.

"Yeah! Wait no?" Mumbling as I look down to my feet.

"It says right here, this is not a holiday this is a game, your innocence won't last so be ready to kill people who've not made it out, and maybe even your friends" looking up we all look to each other.

His eyes drift back to the small print.

"You will get a map but no doubt you will get lost, be ready to be a new runaway in the maze" A worried look appears on Jin's face.

"Oh man holy shit, there could be a possibility where gonna die drying to live?" Jungkook's voice shakes. Looking at him I see a door with a note stuck on it. Walking up to note it reads;

Take as many as you can. You will need it.

Suga pushes the door lightly and it dramatically swings open.

"Guys this is just a whole room dedicated to weapons" all walking in we take our picks.

"What lunatic even comes up with a scam like this?!" Jin angrily says whilst looking disgusted at all the choices.

"I don't wanna die just" Jungkook grumbles.

"You're not going to die Kookie, well all stick together like we have always done!" Namjoon says serious with a serious tone.

"I vote Namjoonie for leader" Jimin raises his hand pointing towards the tall figure.

All nodding he smiles to himself taking the role of leader.

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