-Chapter Fifty-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

"Okay now let's practice in our groups" I say out loud to everyone, they all nod. I then look to Ren who has her katana in her hand.

"You grabbed that fast" I laugh at her a little.

"You can talk" she says looking down to my hand as I've already picked up my knives.

"I guess we can't wait to get fighting again" She smiles at my words.

"It's been a while since we have practiced against each other, let's see who has improved more"

"Look at them all practicing though, I'm a little worried about Tae being paired with Jed though" Ren says before we start to practice against one another. I turn around to see them fighting a little rough.

"Hey J" Ren calls my name, turning round, she kicks my legs from underneath me.

"Rule number three I think it was, never turn your back on your enemy" she gets all cocky with me.

"Now that was my move! Fight me like the real Kitsune or has she gone into hiding?" And she then swings her katana in her hand and moves into her fighting stance. This should be fun plus it'll bring back some old memories.

Serenity; Age 13 Jaimé-Leigh; Age 12

After I had flipped Ren over my shoulder I turn around to see her led on her back and she the let out a long sigh.

"Ren you need to fight it doesn't matter how close I am to you, you need to prepare because you don't know who will turn their back on you and you also need to be prepared to fight those who are close to you without hesitation" I tell her as I look down at her still on the floor, holding my hand out I wait for her to take it.

"I know this!" She sharply snaps back to me whilst standing up without taking my hand.

"Then stop holding back then! I can see you want to kick my arse!"

"You know I'm not good with hand to hand combat with you! I'm more of a wrestler and it's hard to do that on you!"

We're both in this empty field. No one ever comes here, it's just an abandoned field basically, but this field is a place we always come to if we needed to get away from our homes.

I find a long stick on thepick it up. "Ren you need to get your head in the game! Okay fight me with this like a sword or katana and like you mean it!" I hold the stick out to her, she takes it from my hand.

"Fine, but I don't see how this stick is going to help!" She says twirling it between her fingers.

"Just try it, it could help you find a way to fight!" I tell her, she huffs and he and stands in her battle stance.

She then comes towards me and I spin kick the stick out of her hands and kick her legs out from underneath her. "You didn't even give me a fucking chance!"

"You left yourself open so I took the opportunity!" I say to her, she raises her eyebrow at me before frowning.

"You actually make me want to scream!" She says to me.

"Scream then, we are in the middle of an empty field!" I tell her. She walks a little away from me and just screams. Falling onto her hands and knees she screams once more.

"Feel any better?" I ask, all she does is nod her head a little. Bending down she picks up her stick and swings it in her hand.

"Ready to go again?" She questions me, I nod at her in response.

End of Flashback

She comes towards me with her katana, I slide between her legs and look up to see her turning around to see me crouching down. I then put my daggers into my combat boots before standing up.

We both walk towards each other and she acts like she was going to swing her katana at me be instead she took my legs out from underneath me making me fall flat on my arse.

"Bitch that's my move" I then quickly grab my compound bow aiming it towards her she smirks.

"Can't shoot that without any arrows can you?" Ren chuckles as she holds six of my arrows.

She then throws them to her right as she laughs a little knowing that would make me annoyed.

Which it did.

As I stand I face Ren who still has her katana resting on her shoulder. We both then get in to a battle stance before we step towards each other.

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