-Chapter Thirty-

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Yoongi's POV

I'm m sitting on the floor looking at my crossbow just as J, Ren, Mich and Amber all come back with loads of food and smiles all over their faces.

"You all went out with J and you all come back alive? Normally someone dies" I say laughing a little.

"Suga, I'll have you know that people have to die at points and sometimes they might not deserve but shit happens as they say! And I did so some killing of the rogue kind, it was fun" she says to me unusually happy.

I get up and walk over to everyone even though I was find sitting where I was I do want to be included in with everything that goes on.

"Us four will go out again tomorrow" Ren says with a big smile on her face as I join them.

"Suga, where has your bridge piercing gone?" I here Amber ask me.

"I took it out, it was starting to annoy me plusI missed the way my face looked before I had it done" I say back to her.

"Aww really? I liked that piercing on you!" I hear J whine.

"Maybe I'll put it back in one day just for you"

"Don't be playing with my piercing feelings right now Suga! This is some serious shit" she points as me as everyone laughs.

I look at Tae who is interlocking his hand with Ren's, I think they are cute together but like she said what will happen when we do eventually get out?

Will they stay in a really long distance relationship?

Will they end it?

I hope they don't end it, because Tae will be down and upset, that Tae isn't very fun! Ren is good for him. I've seen him happy but never as happy as he is with her. They're just good for each other.

I see J actually looking at Jimin for once normally it's the other way around. "J? Whatcha looking at?" I speak up.

"Jimin, shit I mean I'm looking at the target wall I might go and practice, not that I need to or anything" she says before quickly running to get her compound bow.

Jaimé-Leigh's POV

So Suga just asked me what I was looking at. My reply? Jimin. Why did I say Jimin you ask? I said his name because for once I was actually looking at him. I couldn't help but notice his jawline. But because of that stupid little slip up, I had to I quickly run to get my compound bow just to practice a little, so my cover up makes sense.

J just admit you like Jimin it's obvious you do.

No I won't admit it because it's not true!

Umm yes it is! I am your brain so I think I know what your heart likes.

No you don't you are just full of useless information.

Jaimé-Leigh you like him just admit it!

FINE! I love Jimin, I don't even believe in love!

That's better, I think my work here is done.

Brain I actually hate you sometimes!

"Hey J" Ren says standing next to me.

"I think I love Jimin!" I say out of nowhere.

"I KNEW IT!" She squeals at me. I then see Jimin in front of us.

"I love you too" he smiles big.

"I don't believe in love" I say looking at him.

"I love you too" was all he could say again.

"What?" I ask I feel confused.

"You said you loved me, well I think I like or love you to" he explains. Ren nudges me making me fall into Jimin.

Could this get anymore awkward. I've just been told that someone loves me. The person who told me is the person who loves me. I like him too but I just have one problem. I don't believe in love. I'll guess I'll just have to adapt.

"Umm so what' actually happened there? And what about Jikook?" I hear Jungkook ask. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't actually know myself" I say looking towards Jimin.

"Jikook can take a break! Let's maybe start a relationship?" He asks me.

Wait did he just do what I think he did? He didn't did he?

J open your mouth and answer him you idiot. Don't leave him hanging!

Brain just shut up for a couple of seconds.

Answer him then.

"Yeah why not" was all I could say to him. I could have said anything but all I said was yeah why not.

What's wrong with me?

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