-Chapter Ten-

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Serenity's POV

I am woken by J touching my arm, which makes me freak out a little. I have never liked being touched whilst I have been asleep.

"You know not to touch me, when I'm sleeping!" I frown to her.

"Well you wouldn't wake up so that was the only thing I could think to do"

"Ahh okay, are we here?" I question her whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Yep, but looks completely different in comparison to the one you shows us from the website, the picture on there showed a clean White House, yet this is black and spooky" J points towards the house.

We all get out the car, collect our bags and suitcases, so we can make our way in to the house. Entering the door we are greeted with three sets of keys. Three rooms for seven people.

"Okay two, two and three people in each of the rooms?" I suggest. Everyone nods in agreement.

Walking to our rooms we discuss who is rooming with who. "Well I'm with Ren and that's the final say" J pulls my arm making me move closer to her.

Stopping as we get to the rooms all I hear is "I'm rooming with you!". Turning around I see Jed and Charlie both pointing to each other.

"Looks like you losers get Tay unlucky" J chuckles at them, I start to laugh a little to. I feel bad that they have Taylor but there was no way she was staying in the same room as me and Taylor.

She wouldn't have lasted two minuets. J would have killed her.

We all go our separate ways into the rooms. I lift my suitcase onto the bed I had claimed. Climbing on the bed I decided to sit cross legged, and started to unpack my belongings.

I look over to J who opens one of the draw to put some of her clothes in. I watch her as she lifts out a knitted grey jumper.

"Someone left their clothes her? I guess it's a case of finders keepers" I chuckle at her as she places some of her clothes into the draw.

Whilst we were sat in the room a loud ringing started, thinking it was a fire alarm we both ran into the corridor. But it strangely stopped once all seven of us were all together.

"Hello, KillJoys this is an announcement"

KillJoys? Why do I recognise that?!

"KillJoys will be your groups new name, you will be given thirty minutes to pack a rucksack ready for the maze, you will also need to eat well, as we don't want you to starve" the voice echos though the halls.

"There is map to the maze under each of your pillows, you will need that for the maze tomorrow another thing, this is not a holiday! That is all for now" the voice bids us farewell for the time being.

Does that mean it will be back?

I get elbowed by someone. Turning to see J Looking at me she smiles widely. "KillJoys make some noise, should be our group motto" She then says.

"I completely agree" I nod at her.

"What about you guys?" We both question the other five. Everyone nods except from Taylor.

"More emo crap, haven't you outgrown that phase yet?"

Frowning at her I answer her. "Aww see you do listen to us, and for the record My Chemical Romance is not emo crap, and this is not a phase it's a life choice, deal with it"

"Completely off topic but did anyone else fine other people's clothes in their rooms?" Amber questions us all. Literally all of us nod.

"Little strange don't you think?" Kay pipes up.

"Yeah but oh well! Let's just go and pack these rucksacks" Jed says as he walks towards his door.

"Ren did you read the fine print?" J asks me looking at a leaflet that was on the floor.

"Yes, okay maybe it's a no, it was too small plus who even reads it"

"Well maybe you should have, you've basically entered us into a death match" A worried tone takes over her voice.

"Well what does it say then?!" Taylor barks at J.

"Let me speak then! It says, this is not a holiday this is a game, your innocence won't last so be ready to kill people who've not made it out, and maybe even your friends" she looks up from the leaflet.

Letting out a small sigh she looks back down to the small print.

"You will get a map but no doubt you will get lost, be ready to be a new runaway in the maze" J looks up and frowns at me.

"Ren if we make it out alive I will personally kill you myself, or better yet I'll do it on the bloody maze" J shoots a killer look to me. Like Charlie said, if looks could kill I'd be dead.

"This cannot be happening, I'm going to die! I'm to pretty and young to die!" Taylor squeals whilst freaking out.

All looking towards J, she shrugs. Punching Taylor straight in the jaw, knocking her clean to the floor. "Sorry she was pissing me off" J tells us. Shrugging I kneel down to the floor and check her pulse.

Please be dead. Please be dead.

Placing my fingers to her neck I feel a pulse. "Yep she's still alive, wasn't hard enough J, your slacking" I chuckle to her.

"I didn't want to kill her just yet"

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