-Chapter ThirtyThree-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Ambers not breathing.

She didn't make it.

She knew she wouldn't.

"Let's sit her against the wall, I remember she liked to sit against them all the time in secondary school" Ren says to both of us and we nod.

We sat her against the wall, and then continued to go back to the safe house in silence with our arms linked together. We all go into the safe house and Jin obviously noticed that Amber wasn't with us.

"Where's Amber?" He questioned all of us. The other two just looked to me because I'm the only one out of us three who could answer.

"She isn't with us anymore" was all I could say. I'm actually quite sad about her dying, she was a laugh at times.

"What do you mean she's not with us? Did she leave with some rogues?" Namjoon asks. I shake my head.

"No she is not with any rogues she's not with anyone anymore, she died on the way back to the safe house, she bled out from two gun shot wounds in her side, from a rogue that we didn't see, she made it all the way to the corner before you get here and she knew she wasn't going to make it either and that was a upsetting" I say to them and they all just stand there with sad looks across their faces.

"I'm sorry to hear about that she will be missed, she always help out a lot when you guys weren't around and she always made my laugh" Jin says making us smile a little.

"But, she was a terrible cook" he quickly added after which made us all laugh.

"Hey she wouldn't want us to be sad! Let's get some food and plan our escape, Jungkook says one more dies we leave right?" Ren says, she needs to talk to V still.

Everyone continued to do what they were originally doing and I turn to Ren. "Ren go and talk to V!" She just looks at me.

"Normally he's come up to see me by now but he's completely ignored me"

This girl.

"Go and talk to him you knob! Or like I said earlier I will!"

"Look I'm going over to him now okay!" She says not moving.

"Umm Ren you actually need to move your feet to be able tonwalk over to him" I say laughing at her a little.

"I know I'm going now" she says as she walks over to him. Slowly

Now this could either end in a good, happy way or a bad, quite sad way! I'm voting for the first one.

I see her kneel down next to him. He stands up and walks away from her to the front door. She watched him then finds me. Frowning I point to the door and she nods.

Please don't argue again, I don't like it when Ven argues, just kiss and make up literally.

He opens the door, walking out he leaves the door open for Ren, looking back to her she stands up. Quickly walking to the door she walks out closing the door behind her.

Ren please just listen to what he has to say.

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