-Chapter TwentySix-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Today is the day I have to end either Kay or Jed's life. I don't want to do it but I don't have to suffer whatever consequence comes with it.

I never got any sleep which is a little frustrating. Everyone started to wake up slowly, and they all started to look at V and Ren. There hands where still where I had placed them last night.

Ren was the first one of the two to wake up. She wasn't phased by his hand being on top of hers. She looked at it for a bit. She started to wriggle her fingers which makes him wake up.

"Guys that's just to cute! Please just make our dreams come true and be together" Jungkook says out of nowhere.

"It's not all our dreams, not everyone here thinks they belong together" Kay speaks up getting all agitated.

"Well someone's a little jealous because someone found love, it's not their fault is it?" I say sharply.

"I just don't think they suit each other and plus V could do better, Ren will just break his heart"

Okay? Where the hell did they come from? She doesn't have the right to speak about her like that. All Ren has been to her is nothing but nice.

Because if that my decision is made.

"Well this is a little awkward, umm let's go?" Jed says as he grabs his warhammer. I nodded picking up my compound now that was lent against the wall. Pulling Kay towards the door I shove her out of it.

"What are we even looking for?" I hear Kay snap.

Serious what's up with her?

"Kay what is wrong with you? It's like you've completely changed, this isn't the Kay I know" I snap.

"Nothing I am perfectly fine just hate the majority of you in that house" She says getting annoyed with me.

"What have we actually done?" I hear Jed step in.

"Nothing I just hate it here!"

"WE ALL DO KAY!" I shout at her getting more angrier by the second.

I stop as she continues walking ahead of me and Jed in a strop. "Hey Mich, whatever I do just believe me please" he looks at me.

"You just called me Mich? This must be serious then?" I nod at his words.

"Yeah it is, just promise me you won't hate me, and that when we get back to the safe house I'll explain EVERYTHING to you" I say with a serious tone.

"I promise" he says whilst resting his warhammer on his shoulder

We both catch up to Kay. I then bend down to act like I'm tying up my laces but I grab two of my Chinese ring daggers from my combat boot.

Here goes nothing.

I throw one at her, she screams out in pain. I don't want to do this but I have too. She turns around to face us. I then throw another one aiming for her chest hoping it would miss but it didn't. Falling to the floor both me and Jed run up to her.

And I end it by stabbing her in the heart. I see a couple of tears roll down her cheeks.

"Sorry Kay but it had to be done" I day kneeling beside the girl who used to be one of us. I get up and face Jesus.

"If anyone asks a rogue came out of nowhere and attacked us" he nods as he looks from Kay to me.

"But we don't have any cuts or scratches" he said making a point. I kneel down and pull my daggers out from Kay's body.

"I'm going to hate myself for this but cut my leather jacket"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, do it quickly though" I tell him, and without thinking twice he slices my jacket.

"Okay punch me" he says to me.

"What?" I ask suddenly.

"Punch me in the mouth or slice my cheek with your knife" he says sounding deadly serious.

"Okay here it goes" and I then punch him as hard as I can in the mouth, hurting my hand just a little.

"Okay now lets go and look for supplies" we continue to walk. I'm not going to tell the others I'm just going to tell Jed. He deserves to know.

Serenity's POV

I woke up to see V's hand placed on top of mine. I would have normally freaked out but, I dunno it just feels somewhat right.

J, Yoongi, Amber, Jesus, Kay and Namjoon had all left leaving me, Tae, Hobi, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin here in the house. I grab my phone sliding it into my back pocket. I grab my throwing stars and head to the wall and start to throw them.

I feel like someone is watching me. Brushing that thought of it away I continue to throw my starts. Then for some unknown reason I start to feel agitated. I go over to the wall and with one of my stars I scratch little crosses at the wall for little targets I then continue to throw my stars at them.

I then do the same again, I then go retrieve my stars. I continue to throw and collect my star a couple more times. I do it for one last time but this time I try to throw them differently. I go to throw my last star. But someone speaks to me.

"Hey Ren" I hear my name. I spin around and accidentally throw the star at whoever called my name.

"Whoa, good thing that landed in the bloody wall!" Someone else says.

"Ren are you okay?" I turn to see it was Tae who asked me.

"Yeah everything is fine." I snap.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were happy earlier" he asks with a sad tone taking over his voice.

"I said evenings fine" I say turning grabbing my katana that was lent against the wall before running to the door.

"Ren where are you going?" Tae runs up to me.

"Out, please don't follow me" I say feeling sadness build up as I open and walk out the door.

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