-Chapter FiftyThree-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

"So how long were you guys stood there watching is fight?" Ren asks everyone. She had loads of little cuts on her face from the glass but I'm my opinion it looks pretty badass!

"Like and hour and a half! You guys caught our attention when Ren threw your arrows towards us" Jimin tells us both.

"Also I'm so sorry about that and about the whole flying katana too Hobi, didn't mean to that to happen" she apologises to Hobi who just smiles and nods.

"So how did you get Ren arrested?" Namjoon asks me all of a sudden.

"Okay two things! One, it was her getting me arrested and Two she didn't run fast enough!" I say in response to him.

"So how did it happen then?" Suga asks us.

Serenity; Age 15 Jaimé-Leigh; Age 14

"So this is what we are spray painting?" Ren asks me.

"It's like a symbol I just randomly made up whilst I was bored"

"I like it, it could be our symbol as I've got the arrows and you've got the katana and the half fox and wolf is us!" Her face lit up!

"That's such a good idea it symbolises us being the Kitsune and Huntress"I just nod to her.

"Are we just doing one big one on this wall?" I ask and she nods.

"You do one side and I'll do the other gets it done quicker but let's try not to get caught in the process!" She sternly tells me.

"Stop getting worried that we will get caught it's not going to happen" I say to her as we start to spray paint our symbol on this wall.

A while later I stand back and look at my completed side. Ren then steps back so she's next to me. "Now that's what I call art" she smiles.

I take a couple steps closer to Ren's side, adding something she missed. "Ahh, that looks a lot better" the wall gets brighter. Slowly we both turn around to see a police car stop in front of us.

"Well shit! This doesn't look too good!"

"Didn't I tell you we would get caught!" She says hitting my arm.

"Don't stand there and hit me, run!" She looks to her right at mee. Oh my, they are getting closer, so RUN" I say grabbing her jumper and pulling her to start running with me.

"Ren run faster, they are gaining on us!" I say quickly looking back to the slow runner.

"Dude, let me go" I hear her say to a police person.

"Dude let her go we were just admiring the art work" I frown at him.

"Then what's this?!" He says pulling all my spray paints out Ren's rucksack!

"Well you see the pixies put them in there" Ren says back to him.

"Don't want to be getting all mouthy now do you?" We both look at each other.

"Why not? It's fun" We say in sync.

"That's it! What are your names?!" The other one asks us both but they look at me.

"Scarlet Heart" I say and then they look to Ren.

"Lunar Moon" she says to him. He laughs.

"Wow your parents must have hated you to give you those name" one says.

"Right get in the car now" the other says.

"Nahh your alright" Ren says to him, he grabs her arm, so I punched him.

"Handcuff them you idiot I don't know what they're capable off then chuck them in the car!" He orders.

Once they had finally gotten us in the car me and Ren looked to each other. Ren slowly leant forward to show me her hands that were no longer in the handcuffs.

"Excuse me, Mr police person but can you open my window its extremely hot back here" Ren asks and he does so.

"When my third finger shows we are going to jump out the window as quiet as we can" she whispers to me all I do is nod so I don't make any noise. She finally puts her third finger up we jumped one at a time hopefully not making a sound.

Once hidden the car continued to drive obviously not knowing we had jumped.

"We did it, now get this shit off me!" I say as she starts picks the lock.

End of Flashback

"I got you out of the mess didn't I?!" Ren says to me after we have explained what actually happened.

"Still you got me arrested" I frown back to her. Jungkook then gets up, making me look to him as he walks over to Jed.

"Is he even alive? He looks dead to me? Oooo let's dig him a grave?" He says to us.

"Just give it like a couple of minuets then he should wake up if not I give Tae over here full permission to punch him awake!" Ren says whilst looking to V who smiles big at what she said.

"Fair enough, I mean it saves me from doing it" I say earning laughs from around the room. We all stop as we start to hear noises come from Jed.

"Great he's still alive" I hear Ren mutter under her breath.

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