-Chapter SixtyTwo-

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Trip to McDonalds

Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Well after we had all decided that we were having a McDonald me and Ren took some off some parts of our outfits off and changed into our jumpers so that we wouldn't get recognised as the Huntress and the Kitsune because well that would just be a little bad. Maybe because we might be wanted.

"Oh my god, I SEE IT" I squeal making Jimin and Jin jump.

"Sorry guys, she gets a little over excited about McDonalds" Ren frowns, looking at me. We get to McDonald's and I'm all excited it's been god knows now many months since I've had one of these gorgeous beauty's.

We get in and order our food and we sit down at a table that just about fits all ten of us.

I'm sat between Ren and Jungkook with Jimin sat opposite me. We all started eating our food. I pick my Big Mac up and admire the beauty of it. I take a bite from it and it tastes and feels so good!

"REAL FOOD!" Jin shouts at the top of his voice earning a couple of looks from some people the rest of us just laugh at him.

I then look back to my burger and sigh. "I love you!" I say as I take a bite out of its. Jimin slowly looks up and tilts his head.

"Wait what?" Jimin blushes.

"Huh? No, wait the Big Mac! I love the Big Mac!" I quickly say Earning laughs from everyone bar Jimin who frowns.

"Well that wasn't totally awkward at all" Ren says laughing and I slap her.

"Oww you- Wait what are we going to do about the maze? I mean there are dead bodies in there and well it's 100% completely illegal" Ren says and we all look at her.

"What we do is illegal too ya know" I says and all she does is look at me and raise her eyebrow.

"And I'll shut up now" I say before shoving about five or six chips in to my mouth.

"Yeah you do that" she smiles.

"Maybe we should like ya know maybe do something?" Jed says.

"Well yeah, but first let's eat this food! Also are anyone's phones working?" Ren says and she continues to dip her chips in my sauce even though she has her own.

"Mine is" I say as I look at all my updates fan fictions! I've missed you all my babies!

"No because mine go used!!" Jed says.

"Quit complaining we will go buy you another one after this" me and Ren say in sync again and then just look at each other and just laugh.

Man it feels good to be eating a Big Mac burger after getting out of that horrifying place.

"So what now?" V suddenly speaks up asking us all a question.

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