-Chapter FiftyNine-

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The night before the escape

Taehyung's POV

"What the? Where is it?!" I hear Jimin say whilst getting a little frustrated. I look over to him and see him looking through his rucksack whilst taking everything out of it.

"What can't you find?" I ask him seeing as I'm the only one who isn't doing anything.

"My cream jumper with all the holes and rips in it, I can't find it anywhere and I know it's here because I wore it like two days ago!"

I stand up and walk over to him. Sitting with him I help look through his stuff with him. "I swear I put it back in here with these gym shorts" he chucks the gym shorts back into his rucksack.

"Maybe Jungkook has it?" I suggest to him.

"Jeon Jungkook" Jimin calls. Jungkook turns around like a rabbit in headlights.

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it" he points and looks at Jimin.

"My cream jumper with all the holes and rips in it?"

"Yeah? What about it?" He questions Jimin.

"Where is it?"

"How should I know? I didn't even know you still had that jumper, maybe you left it in the bathroom after your shower?"

"He has a point" I say interrupting the conversation.

"Sorry kookie" he says running over to him, hugging him. He then walks over to the bathroom and goes to open the door.

"Wait! Stop!" I call to him and he literally freezes.

"Ren and J are in there changing so we can sleep" I say to him, he lets out a breath I didn't know he was holding.

He makes his way back over to me. Sitting next to me he then moves his face closer to mine, making me lean away. "Personal space dude" I say shoving his face away from mine.

"Sorry I just noticed that you aren't wearing your earrings" he pokes my cheek.

"Yeah I took them out ages ago they should be in my pocket in my bag" I say to him and he just nods.

Frowning, I then crawl over to my bag just to make sure they are still there. These are my favourite earrings. "I swear I put them in here? Maybe they are in my shorts pocket?" I say to myself. I then feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head to see Jimin.

"Can't find them either?" I shake my head in response.

"That's so weird, wait! Even my camouflage gym shorts? What is going on?" Jimin then sits in front of me and helps me looks for my earrings and shorts.

Out the corner of my eye I see J walk out the bathroom wearing Jimin's jumper. Following shortly behind I see Ren. Who is wearing a my shorts.

"Umm Jimin I know who took our stuff!" I whisper to him making him look up from my bag.


"Look" I say pointing towards Ren and J. He then turns around and looks at them both.

"STOP right there you thief's" me and Jimin both yell to them making they freeze dead on the spot.

"Well that didn't last very long now did it?" Ren mumbles whilst looking towards J. Trying to run back into the bathroom, me and Jimin run over to them grabbing them around their waists.

Serenity's POV

"Would you get off of me" I hear J mumble. Not even a second later I hear a thud as she pushed Jimin off of her. Shrugging I do the exact same thing to Tae. Me and J then both jump up and dust ourselves off all in sync.

"What the hell even are you two?!" Jimin asks us.

J starts talking to Jimin but I don't really listen so I help Tae up. Smiling at me he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Oh! So you are a clothing thief and an earring thief" he says standing in front of me with his arms folded. All I do is put my bottom lip out.

"No, no, no! Please not the bottom lip! Fine your forgiven!" He says and I throw my arms around his neck. But he loses balance and we both end up on the floor.

"Would you two get a room!" J says whilst she helps Tae up and Jimin helps me.

"Now you" Jimin says turning and pointing a finger to J.

"That jumper is mine" he says again.

"I know it is I took it from your bag earlier because I fell in love with it and wanted to wear it" She tells him the honest truth with her arms folded.

"I wanted to wear that tonight" Jimin grumbles whilst crossing his arms copying J.

"Well it is a bagy jumper I'm pretty sure we will both fit" she says and he laughs.

"It looks more adorable on your small frame than is ever did on me, you can keep it" Jimin says whilst giving J his eye smile.

"Come on let's go join the others" I point to the others. Tae grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers, whilst Jimin puts his arm around J's waist pulling her closer to him. The four of us all walk over to join the others.

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