-Chapter ThirtyOne-

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Serenity's POV

So that's Jimin and J together. Finally!

Two couples now. Those guys along with me and Tae. But Tae has been a little off lately though. And I think it's because I've been going out with J, Amber and Jed a lot recently.

He doesn't like it because he doesn't want me to get hurt, which I understand, but I've got three people with me. Each of us can put up a fight and we protect each other at all costs so he has no need to worry.

We were going out again now. The three of us.

I grab my katana so I can go outside to join the others. But someone grabs the other end of it. Whipping my head around to look who it was I see Tae holding it. "Tae I need to go with them, please let go" I say looking at him.

"No you don't, you go everyday! You don't need to go" he argues back

"I like going out with these three" I pull my katana from his grip, and turn around to leave.

"You must enjoy being with them more than being with me?" He says grabbing my katana once again.

"I go out with them because it's a laugh, staying here I don't do that much! You are funny, but I'm just bored staying in here and getting out for the last week has been good for me, plus you will see me when I get back" I tell him pointing out a couple of things.

"What if you don't come back? Or you do but your seriously hurt?" He says pulling my katana closer to him which pulls me too.

"I will come back, and I'll be perfectly fine! Do you not trust me or something or is it because your jealous?!" I say getting a little annoyed with him.

Please don't try to be controlling.

"I'm not jealous, I do trust you but going out there you risk your life"

"I may risk my life but I don't care about that! If I do die today you will have my katana to remember me by" I say dropping the end of the katana I was holding.

"Namjoon I'm taking your bat" I say grabbing it.

Leaving the house I slam the door closed

"Where's your katana?" I hear J ask me.

"It's in the house with Tae plus you know I'm good with a baseball bat! Now let's go please" I say swinging the bat around in a circle before resting it on my shoulder.

"I think they had an argument" I hear Amber whisper to J and Jed.

"Yes we did now let's go" I turn around and say getting a little annoyed.

Me and J are sat by a wall together and Amber and Jed are the other side. "I just had my first argument with Tae and we've only been together for what two weeks? He's so over protective, it's starting to get a little annoying, I still like him but, I don't know" I say looking at the floor not at J.

"Every couple argue Ren, he is just worried and protective over you that's all, he doesn't want you to get killed out here, and he probably gets scared as he doesn't want us to come home one day and say your dead because I think he would die on the inside, he cares about you he really does and to be honest sometimes I actually get jealous because I feel he cares about you more than I do!" J says making me turn to look at her.

"I know but sometimes I need my own space that's why I come with you guys"

"I know you need space" she looks to me "I love being around him but then I miss being with you! Come we were the Huntress and the Kitsune! We never got caught and yet we're having to play dumb with weapons, not knowing how to use them it's just a piss take" I say making her smile.

"I know, but Ren you need to understand V isn't like that other knob he's different he actually cares for you, I think that's why you might be getting annoyed, as you've never had a partner like him! Maybe just give him time or explain yourself to him just don't tell him about what we do outside from here" She says finally making me understand.

"You never really liked him did you? My ex?"

"No I fucking didn't, I would have you rather been with Jed than him" I smile at her hatred towards him.

"At least that's in the past and this is basically a new start, I feel really bad that I left Tae on such a bad note!" I say looking down.

"Listen when we get back just talk to him and sort everything out like I've already said!"

"Alright calm down huntress" I say making her smile a little.

"Been a while since I've heard that don't ya think Kitsune?"

We just both end up leaning on each other's shoulders laugher with one another.

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