-Chapter FortyTwo-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

After everything happened we all decided to get changed into comfortable clothes or as BTS calls them lazy ugly clothes, I don't know why but they do. V has just gone outside with some of his clothes for Ren.

"Should I go out there?" I say to Hobi who has just finished bandaging my hand as the blade sliced it a little bit, but to be honest it didn't really bother me.

"In the nicest way possible, no! Just do it tomorrow because then we know you've both cooled down" he says back to me.

Like that's going to happen.

"I'm going to see what's going on outside" he says to us all.

"I'll come with" I say standing up with him.

"No just stay here J"

Damn this guy, what did I even do wrong?!

I just sit back down with the other and watch as Hobi walks to the door and disappears outside. "What did I even do wrong?" I ask everyone.

"You told us all about Ren's ex, then says that she always runs away, and I don't think she wanted us to know that personal shit" Namjoon says.

"Oh, you guys don't a hate me now do you?" And they all shake their heads, thank fuck for that.

V then walks through the door and goes straight to Ren's stuff. Getting up from the floor I walk over to him.

"How's Ren?" Was the first thing I thought of and only thing I could say.

"She's fine, she wants to stay out there and be with just me" he says whilst picking up her katana.

"I didn't mean anything by saying what I said"

"Saying she always runs off now that was a bit to far though, anyway she's with Hobi talking so just leave them to it" he says walking off to his bag.

"I'm going to speak to her!" I say walking to the door.

"J just do it tomorrow!"

"No, I will talk to her wether she likes it or not" I say turning back towards to the door

I open the door to see Hobi and Ren sat in the step both looking at me. I guess she was hoping it was V because she was smiling but when she saw me it faded. "That's my cue to leave" Hobi says standing up. He walks towards me as I'm the door way.

"Don't kill each other please" he points to me then to Ren before walking in to the house closing the door behind him.

Ren then turns around so she's not looking at me. "How long are you going to stay mad at me?" I ask.

"I never said I was mad you just assumed I was! I'm just pissed about what you said and how you didn't even let me answer the questions aimed at me, I don't want everyone to know that I end up in shit relationships" she says finally standing up but she still has her back to me.

"Oh and saying I always run away, was that a reference to when I ran away to Jed's house?" She snaps again.

"Yeah it was, look I'm sorry okay! They won't tell anyone anyway, please don't be pissed with me I said it in the heat of the moment, I didn't even mean to say it!" I say back to her.

After a couple minutes silence she sighs and finally turns around. "Look I forgive you okay, just next time let me answer or wait and see if someone else answers okay?!" She says still seeming a little pissed.

"We okay now?"


"Earlier was fun with the whole fighting Huntress and Kitsune style!" I say and she smiles a little.

"There's the smile, now I know we are all right! I'm going to head in now, have fun tonight but not to much fun" I say to her and she pushes me towards the door.

As I open the door and a V falls into the floor.

"Ease dropping much?" I say to him and he stands up and dusts himself off then picks everything that he dropped up.

"No, maybe, okay I was! But I was just making sure everything was going okay!" He says looking at us both.

"Okay then! Night you guys and remember don't do anything I would do" I say as I walk back into the house.

Once I was back in the house everyone looked at me.

"So?!" Jin questions.

"We're all good but she's still staying out there with V for the night and then we will continue as we were tomorrow!"

"That's good I don't think we could all cope with you two hating each other" Jimin says to me and literally everyone else agrees with him.

"Let's sleep, another unfortunate early start tomorrow" Suga who was already laying down trying to sleep says. We all lay down and me and Jimin face each other and he falls asleep first and I just look at his perfect face.

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