-Chapter ThirtyEight-

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Taehyung's POV

I'm glad that she told me about her past but then it made me upset how badly treated she was by the people who should have lover her.

But then again my past isn't the best thing either.

"I'm going to talk to Hobi real quick" Ren says to me. I just nod my head as I let go of her hand. I see Mich or Jed, whatever he wants to be called so I decided to walk over to him.

"Hey V" he says looking up to me only because he's sat on the floor cleaning his warhammer.

"I keep calling you both names, which do you prefer Mich or Jed?" I ask him I just want to know because I'm getting confused.

"Mich please call me Mich! J and Ren call me Jed because of my hair"

Fair enough then Mich it is.

I knelt down into the floor near him. "Ren told me what you did for her when she ran away from home, I'm glad she's got friend like you!" I say to him.

"We've always been there for each other she helped me so returned the favour back by helping her out, we've always been there for one another, she's not a bad person really" he says looking at me.

"Yeah she told me everything about her old life" he looks up to me with a big smiles.

"So that must mean that she told you about her being the Kitsune!" I look at him with wide eyes!

"My girlfriend is the Kitsune as in the Huntress and the Kitsune?" He just nods

"I take it she didn't tell you?" I slowly shake my head, I then feel a hand on my shoulder and it's Hobi along with Ren.

For some unknown reason Hobi sits next to me and Ren sits next to Jed who sits there in complete silence, not saying a word, because I don't think I'm meant to know. But hey why not tell Hobi too!

I lean over to him, whispering it into his ear. He looks to me and I put my finger to my lips meaning for him not to tell or say anything. By this time J and Jimin had come over to us.

"My best friend is the Kitsune" Hobi squeaks out of the blue well that's didn't last very long.

I see J raise her eyebrow at him. "Excuse you she my best friend" Because he said it quite loud everyone then decided to come over to us.

"Are you seriously the Kitsune?" Jungkook asks Ren, she slowly nods. Kookie smiles a little before passing out, making a thud as he lands on the wooden floor.

We all end up laughing at him because he landed in a funny position.

"So who is the Huntress?" I ask because why not.

"Is it that hard to guess" She says laughing a little and the majority of us nod. Suga being sat opposite me rolls his eyes which I see.

"Guys it's so obvious that the Huntress is J" We all look over to her and she just gives him the thumbs up.

"I take it you heard this from Jed then" J asks me and Hobi to which we both just nod. I then see Ren look to J with one eyebrow raised.

"I've found our next assignment"  she smiles. We all turn our heads at look to Mich who has now turned ghost white.

"Please done kill me with my own hand" still looking at him we all look at him now confused.

"Now that's a long story that I would not like to tell" he says pointing his finger at J.

Some funny sounds making us all look around the room. Before we notice that they were all coming from Jungkook as he slowly starts to wake up. He only started to wake because J pushed him with her foot.

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