-Chapter Fifteen-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

"What? Why?" Namjoon looks to us all.

"Well basically we found this safe house, we all went to different room to plug sockets to charge our phones, then Taylor the one who I shot went out without saying anything, I think she was my sixth kill" I explained as Namjoon started to smile.

"Damn six kills is a lot for a first day! You could catch up to Suga in no time" Jungkook chuckles.

"So how many have you killed each?" Ren question them all.

"Fourtyeight" Suga says with a proud smile plastered across his face.

"Twentyeight, five more than little Jungkookie over hear" Jimin chuckles. Jungkook sneakily gets up, tiptoes over to Jimin just to push him from his chair.

"So jungkook's killed twentythree then?" Jed says asks after doing the math.

"Yep, I've got the second highest number with thirtyfour" Namjoon tells us.

"Fifteen" The ladybug says to us, then does this rectangle box smile thing. I quickly look over to Ren who keeps looking at him when he isn't looking.

He is her type.

"I've only done ten" Hobi pipes up whilst playing with a throwing star.

"One" We all look to where the quiet voice came from. It was Jin.

"So you're telling me, you've been here for two years and you've only killed once?" Charlie laughs.

"He doesn't like to kill, it's not his fault" Namjoon says quick and sharply.

"Charlie sometimes you need to think before you open that big mouth of yours, yeah?!" Ren punches his arm. I was going to do the same but she saved me from having to waste energy on him.

All taking off their jackets they reveal their tattoos!

"Hey Jimin, nice sleeves" I call over to him. Turning around, he walks over to me, Putting his hand though his silver hair.

"Nice jumper, it reminds me of one I had, but I left it in the house two years ago, where did you get this one" I gulp. I'm wearing his jumper.

"I, umm, got it from a room back at the house" I smile at him.

"So it looks like your wearing my jumper" he chuckes.

"Keep it, it looks better on you, it never looked as good on me" he smiles doing this cute little eye smile! I look at his hair again.

"Your hair speaks to my overies" I mentally slap myself. Jimin awkwardly laughs, putting his hand though his hair once again.

All of a sudden Hobi and Taehyung burst out laughing. I look over to Ren who was shaking her head with rosey cheeks full of embarrassment. Jimin still laughing thanks me.

Jin joins us, with Kay and Amber who between them carried thirteen bowls of rice. "Rice is done" he announces whilst handing out the bowls giving us one each. Sitting in a large circle we all eat in silence.

Serenity's POV

Jin bends down and hands me a bowl of rice. Taking the bowl from him I take no time to dig in. I'm so hungry. We all sat in a circle I was sat between Taehyung and Jed.

Every so often I look around. The person sat opposite me was Hobi. I notice that everytime he he chewed it showed his small dimples that were just above the corners of his lips. I start to giggle myself whilst I take another mouth full of rice.

Looking up once again I see everyone from BTS looking at me rather confused. "Don't worry about her she's a weird one" Jaimé says making me frown to her.

"Just like our Hobi m then" we all laugh a bit then get to know each other.

It was starting to get darker and darker outside. One by one everyone started to yawn.

"Okay so tomorrow I think some of us should stay here, some of us should go looking for food and the others should go out looking for supplies" Jin said looking for Namjoon's approval. Namjoon nod towards him.

"I think J, Serenity, Jimin and Jungkook, should all go together" Jed says.

"Quick question! Who's J?" Jungkook asks. Jaimé raises her hand.

"That would be me, my name is Jaimé-Leigh but people call me J for short as it's just quicker and easier to say and remember" J explains as Jungkook nods.

"I'll go with Suga" Tae speaks up whilst pointing to Yoongi.

After about an hour of figuring out who was going with who, everyone started to slowly fall asleep.

During the night I was woken up by someone falling over my legs. "Sorry" the person whispers to me. When my eyes finally adjust I see that it's Tae I also see that he's shirtless. Rubbing my eyes I look around only to notice that we're the only two awake.

"That's okay, don't be sorry" I whisper back, he smiles at me before turning around to pick up a top that he dropped. As he turned around I noticed a tattoo on his back.

"Hey, nice tattoo" I say staring at it.

Pulling his top over his head, he lets it fall down his body. Sitting next to he lightly nudges my shoulder. "Thanks, it's the only one I've got"

"I like it it's like you're a fallen angel" smiling at me he suddenly hugs, which takes me by surprise. Quickly pulling away, he still stays sat next to me.

"Hey, what's the time?" I ask looking to him.

"Umm, two seconds" he says whilst pulling his phone from his pockets.

"Currently it's 4am" he looks from his phone back to me. Looking directly into my eyes. I nod whilst covering my mouth to yawn.

That's last thing I remember.

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