-Chapter Three-

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Serenity's POV

Okay so now I've got to ring Taylor. Don't get me wrong she is a pretty nice girl but damn she is seriously annoying. She flirts constantly. If she could she would flirt with the majority of the human population. J hates it when she flirts and she isn't the only one. We all hate her flirting.

Not long ago she was flirting Mich. It was way to funny to watch. Only because he wasn't interested in the slightest and he constantly kept asking her if she was feeling alright and if we eye was okay as it kept twitching.

I went to talk to J but she had disappeared. Yet again. "Yo J" I shouted out and waiting for Jaimé-Leigh to tell something back so I knew where she had disappeared off to. I mean she could be in one of three places. The kitchen to make a cuppa tea, the bathroom having a shit, or back to her cave she calls her bedroom.

Walking into the kitchen I look around. No sign. "What the?" Sighing to myself, I walk through the house, up the stairs to the bathroom. Opening the door I just see the bathroom. No human in here. The next place I can only look is her bedroom. Walking over to her door I knock before walking on in.

"Yes?!" She frowns at me.

"What are you even doing? Get out of bed" I fold my arms and frown back to her.

"Led in bed, what does it look like I'm doing?" Well then miss sassy pants.

"Okay calm yourself, I need to phone Taylor" I tell her.

"You mean Satan's spawn? I told you that I sensed something off about her the day we met her and did you believe me? Nope" J sits up with a smug look planted across her face.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever, J is always right, Ren is always wrong" I say taking about myself in third person.

"Go ring her then?" J points to her door, basically telling me to get out. Before I move to leave my phone makes a noise. Pulling it out from my hoodie pocket I see a single text from Mich.

Yo yo! So me, Charlie, Kay and Amber will be over in 10 x

I got that like eight minuets ago. Why does my phone always like to notify me so bloody late?!

Turning around I look to J who was still frowning at me for still being in her room. "Bitch get up, get dressed, everyone will be here in less than two minuets"

"What the actual fuck dude, thanks for the notice, also can you not see I am already dressed? I mean all I need is a top" Leaving her room, I start to walk down the stairs then my phone goes off again.

Another text from Mich.

Also don not I repeat DO NOT phone Taylor yet, we all want to be there when you tell her she has no choice!!😂

After I read that message, I continue to walk down the stairs. Getting to the living room door I push it open. Entering the living room I get the fright of my life. Jed, Kay, Charlie and Amber were all just sat there staring at me.

"Oh man holy shit, you bunch of arseholes" I say with my hand on my heart. Which was beating about one-hundred miles per hour. All they do is laugh at me.

I go and sit in my claimed seat which no one ever dares to sit in just as J walks into the living room in her leather jeans, combat boots and her bra.

"You said two minuets! Well this is awkward, well imma going to get my jumper" backing out the room slowly we all hear her run up the stairs.

Just over five minutes later she walks back into the livingroom in my New York Bronx jumper. Raising my eyebrow, I just sit there then I shake my head. To which she shares a smug smile. She knows exactly what she's done.

Charlie then grabs all our attention by clearing his throat. "Are we gonna phone Taylor now?" He asks me. Nodding at him, I scroll though my phone, finding her contact I press ring.

Putting the call on loud speaker, we all wait for her to answer.

Taylor; Serenity hey girl

Jaimé-Leigh; Even her preppy voice
makes me want to commit homicide

Taylor; Hey J

Serenity; Hey Tay, so I've got some news, and you've got no choice because I've already signed us all up

Taylor; Okay, I'm just a little worried what is it? And who is we?

Serenity; Well long story short it's a house maze and seven people can enter it, so I decided to signed myself, you, Charlie, Jaimé-Leigh, Mich, Kay and Amber up for it

Taylor; Oh my gosh! This is going to be amazing, us seven going on a trip!

Jaimé-Leigh; Stop with the squealing you'll probably die anyway

Taylor; Jaimé-Leigh, I won't die it's just a little trip also I won't die because I've got you guys

Jaimé-Leigh; Sure believe what you want

Taylor; So are you two with the rest now?

Serenity; Yep, you are currently on loud speaker at the moment

Taylor; Oh, surprise! So when do we leave?

Charlie; Dude she hasn't even filled in the application yet! You just had no choice or say, she just wanted you to know

Taylor; Hey Charlie, also that's just mean

Serenity; I'm going to do the application now, I'll text you the dates and other details, bye

I end the phone call before she could say anything because if I'm going to be honest, she was starting to annoy me. Not a friendly thing to do but I couldn't give a crap!

"Jamie Lee, pass me the laptop" I ask point to the laptop that was right beside her.

"Ren seriously? Learn my name, Jed pass her the laptop" looking over to Mich, he points to the laptop.

"It's like right next to you want to make me walk across the room to get it" J just nods at his words.

Huffing as he gets up, Jed walks towards the laptop. Picking it up he leans over handing it to me. Taking it from him, I thank him. Lifting the screen up, I press the power button and wait for it to load.

After couple seconds it turns on and reveals worlds most ugly selfie all seven of us took last summer. Even Taylor is in the said selfie. We're all pulling faces where as J is just killing Taylor with her eyes.

Good Memories.

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