-Chapter FortyFour-

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Yoongi's POV

I was the first one to wake up. I looked to my phone and it said 6:53am, why so damn early?! And it's not like I can fall back asleep either! I'll give them all 7 more minutes of sleep, then I'll wake them.

I stand up to see J and Jimin spooning and J is the big spoon. I actually fear for their relationship I really do I look around to see everyone else is still sleeping. I remember that Ren and Tae slept outside. I walk to the door, opening it quietly, I see that he has his arms around her making sure she is close, now that's how it should be done!

Maybe Jimin should take some notes.

I then close the door and look at my phone again and it says 7:06am. I think I'll wake the Maknae up first and then we can plan how to wake the others up. I walk over to Jungkook and shake him awake but then cover his mouth quickly so he's not loud!

"Hyung, what are you doing I thought someone was going to kill me!" I just laugh at how stupid he's being.

"Shut it and listen! You are going to help me wake the rest up, because if I'm awake and can't sleep neither can the others!" I say and he gets a massive smile on his face.

"So I get to be an evil maknae for the time being?!" I just nod at him.

"Okay I think we should, damn I don't know!" Aish this kid! "I got it! We should, I don't know"

"Way to go evil maknae" I say looking at him.

"I'M NOT THE EVIL MAKNAE ANYMORE!!!" He screams in a very loud sad voice making everyone else wake up and scream a little.

"Yes! Still got it" he whispers to himself. "I didn't even get to help you little shit" I say to him and all he does is wink at me.

Strange kid.

"Out of all the things you could have done done to wake us up you chose to scream" J says looking at Jungkook, she then looks to Jimin.

"And your meant to be the big spoon not me" and all he does is eye smile at her.

Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Well I was woken up by Jungkook screaming, not the best but it's alright for him. I then notice Suga walk over and get a pan full of water.

"Suga? What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Well Ren and V need to be woken up somehow" he says with an evil smile.

"After you've done that I'm going to roll her down the steps, and word of warning don't touch Ren she may kill you"

"Umm okay?" Is all Suga says.

"She doesn't like being touched when she's sleeping because, well she never has really" I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"Fair enough has she ever tried to kill you?" I shake my head.

"No but I remember one time I touched her whilst sleeping and she throat punched me" I say to him as he just laughs.

"Oh also if you look at her for too long whilst she's sleeping she will wake up and I swear she tries to turn you into stone, but she also hates that, just thought I'd give you the sleeping Ren 101" I say smiling at him.

"Can we wake them now? I'm not wanting them to wake up until I've throw this all over them" he says with the evil smile again.

"Okay I'll come with!" Me and Jimin say and we all walk to the door and open it.

I see V has his arms around Rem making sure she is close to him. I turn to look at Jimin. "Now that's how it should be, not me spooning you, I think you should take some notes pretty boy" I say to him quietly and Suga turns around.

"That's what I thought to myself earlier when I was the only one awake" he says laughing quietly to himself.

"On three throw the water over them and then I'm going to roll her down the steps" I say to Suga and he nods.

"One, Two , Three" Suga throws the water over them, we hear a scream but it's not from Ren. Taking a couple of steps over to Ren I bend down and roll her down the steps.

"If I'm awake this early then so are you bitch! So wake the fuck up" I say looking at the heap that is Ren at the bottom of the steps.

"J, you know some people in this world hate your guts? I am one of THEM!" She shouts at me.

"And I love you too! Now get back up here we need to start planning" she rolls her eyes at me before climbing back up the steps. I sling my arm around her shoulder.

"We good?"

"We good!" Say says putting her arm over my shoulder. I'm glad we're all good. I need my partner in crime.

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