-Chapter SixtyThree-

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Three Months Later

Jin's POV

After we went back to Korea we decided to come back sell the holiday house and live with Ren and J. It was just me and Snow sitting in the living room because I was watching the news and the others didn't really seem to want to watch it with me.

But that didn't bother me, it means peace and quiet.

Snow was sat with me because Jungkook had just wondered off. Snow is Jungkook's girlfriend has been for a couple months now, and I haven't seen him this happy in a long time.

I continued to watch the news. A new report had just come in and it seemed important, so I turned the volume up to hear it even clearer, then the headline for the new report caught my eye.

"Are the Huntress and Kitsune back?!"

And as soon as I saw those two names I shouted for all of the guys to come in so they could see too.

I called them again as only Namjoon and Suga came in, how can the other four be so rude?!

"Jimin! Jungkook! Taehyung! Hoseok! Get your butts in this livingroom!" I shouted for them again. Slowly they all walk in with there heads hung low.

"Sorry" they all mumble and grumble in sync as they sat on the sofas. Jungkooks sits beside snow, interlocking his fingers with hers.

"What's do you want to show us?" Namjoon asks.

"Look at this news report" I point to the tv. The news lady then continues to talk and we all listen.

"After many months of silence from the Huntress and Kitsune, we think they have finally made a comeback, it's reported that earlier today a large file of information on an organisation that tricks young adults into entering a maze-like warehouse where they have to fight and kill to survive for the entertainment of online watchers, was left on the chief-head of police's desk! Then police later arrived at the address that was left in the file they found everyone who was part of this organisation hanging upside down by there feet, there are some speculations of the Huntress and Kitsune entering the maze unknowingly and managed to somehow escape it, as they must have had some anger still running through their veins and seem to have taken this quite personally as its been reported the members of the organisation had been scared enough for them to even urinate themselves" There was then a silence from then news report.

"Well that's disgusting" Jimin mutters.

"Shush" I put my index finger to my mouth before looking back to the TV.

The the front door opens. We all turn around to see J and Ren just walk though both whistling to themselves acting all innocent.

"We know what you ladies did" Yoongi speaks out of the blue. Snow also know about the girls "secret identities", Jungkook blurted it out a couple weeks ago.

The two girls look at each other and slowly back out the of the door that was still open slightly slowly closing it behind them.

We all look at each other then back to the door as a few seconds later it opens again as just J enters the house slowly picks up Spok the Cat, before slowly backing out the door again whilst sneaking little looks at everyone before the door closes again.

She's a strange one. No wonder Jimin likes her.

We all continued to sit in silence after J had walked back out the house with Spok we all turn to face each other a little amused yet slightly confused by what had just happened even though we've gotten use to their antics.

After a while we all start chuckling.

The report continued to play on the tv but this time is was showing a video of the police finding the men of the organisation, they then zoom in on to their faces and on all of their cheeks where is a little "J" carved.

"Well know we know it was definitely them that did it" Namjoon chuckling to himself.

"I think it's kinda sadistic how J does that you know cool but still sadistic" Jungkook speaks up getting us all to look away from the TV to him.

"J is sadistic that her thing it just works for her" Yoongi chuckles then does his little lazy shrug that he likes to do.

"She kinda scares me sometimes" Hobi whispers whilst looking at us all.

"Well you're not wrong there, but I mean at least we have Ren who knows how to keep J under control, well sort of" I say in response to Jungkook.

"Yeah when she's not joining in with J that is" Yoongi says laughing a little more.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Tae asks us all.

"At least we're not dating them" Hobi says looking towards Tae and Jimin. We all turn to look at the pair who are sat there looking all happy and proud.

"Unfortunately" Jungkook jokingly mumbles to himself but loud enough for the two boys sat either side of him to hear. Snow secretly knows that he'd love to date a badass but she's the complete opposite to that. She's sweet and hasn't got a bad bone in her body.

"What?" Jimin and Tae both yell. The next thing we know Tae slaps the back of Jungkook's head, making him drop his head then not even a second after Jimin slaps Jungkook's forehead back up.

Poor lad.

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