-Chapter TwentySeven-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

Me and Jed back to the safe house but the atmosphere feels weird. Not like it normally does.

Where is Ren?

Why is V sat with his knees up to his chest with his chin resting on the tops of his knees, arms wrapped around his legs in a corner at the back of the room.

I go and quickly put the stuff me and Jed found today with all the other supplies.

After I walk over to Jimin, who was being really quiet. "Hey can I have my phone back please?" I ask him. He doesn't answer so I kneel down I front of him.

"J I umm need to talk to you about something" this can either be good or bad! I nod to him as he points to the bathroom. We both walk to the bathroom, I close the door behind myself.

"What's up?" I curiously ask him.

"It's about Ren" I was looking down but as soon as he said her name I looked up as quick as I could.

"What about her? I did notice she wasn't here"

"Yeah, she left earlier, she was acting off but before she left she looked so upset, Tae asked her is she was okay but she was super blunt with him, she snapped at him before she grabbed her katana telling him not to follow her then left and she hasn't been back since" he said with a worried tone in his voice.

"Is that why V is in the corner?" I ask looking at him.

"Yeah, he hasn't spoken to anyone since, I think what Kay said earlier got into Ren's head so she got upset and left and I'm kind of worried that she'll kill someone and shut down again"

Me too Jimin. Me too.

"I'm going to take Mich too see if either of us cnnfind her, can I have my phone?" I question him as he nods. Pulling my phone from his jeans pocket he hands it to me. I go to take it but he doesn't let go

"Be safe" he says as he loosened his grip on my phone.

I'm not liking this. I don't know what could happen to Ren.

I walk out the bathroom and straight over to Jed. "We need to go out again now like right now!" Without any questions asked his grads his hammer and we leave.

"J? How come we had to leave?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Earlier Ren left the house most probably upset, and I don't want her to end up killing someone again because she could shut down, and shutting down and being out here could end up with her death" I say looking around trying to find Ren.

"Okay, hey can you tell me why you did what you did to Kay?" I nodding I pull my phone from my leather jacket, tapping on the screen I find the text. Handing the phone over to him he reads.

"You could have killed me? But you chose Kay, why?" He asks me.

"I chose Kay because she started to act different plus what she said about Ren and V irritated me, I don't think I could have killed you it would have killed me a little and I couldn't do that to Ren!" I say to him. Smiling to himself he nods.

We continue to walk and we hear shouting come from around the corner. "Shh, be quiet I want to see what's happening" I whisper to Jed. I stand hidden around the corner. Leaning I peer around to see Ren fighting about 4 rogues and doing well.

"Four if you against one isn't very fair if you ask me" she says looking at one of them who threw a knife at her which she dodged. She does what she did to the rogue that cut her yesterday. She kills him. She injures two more and then looks to the last one.

"Sorry but this is going to hurt you more than it'll hurt me" She says slicing the rogues stomach with her katana.

"REN" I shout over to her.

"Yeah? What?" She calls back to me as I jog over to her.

"We are so worried about you" She chuckles before frowning at me.

"No one is worried about me, no one ever is, why do you think everyone who I care about leaves me?"

"So leaving everyone who is worried about you and getting yourself killed is fine! I bet you didn't even think of that!" She just stands and stares at me.

"I bet you also didn't know that V is in a ball in a corner not talking to anyone at all? He cares so much for you at the moment! Ren he loves you, understand that!" I say trying to get it in to her head.

"I know he does, and I like him back but like Kay said I'll probably break his heart! I felt like a bitch earlier when I snapped at him! I was just so upset!" She says looking at me with a sad look in her eyes.

"Ren just come back with us? You don't have to worry about Kay anymore because a rogue killed her earlier" I hear Jed say standing beside me.

Nodding at us, she walks over. "Here give me you katana" I say to her, she hands me her katana. We slowly made our way back to the house.

"When we get back I just want to be with Tae, I need to sort everything out and apologise to him" We both nod at her.

We eventually get back to the safe house only me and Jed walk in. "I'm going to tell V that there is someone outside for him" I say elbowing Jed.

I walk over to the guy who hasn't moved. Sitting next to him I lightly nudge him. "Hey V" looking up from the floor to look at me he nods.

"There is someone outside for you" he looks to me.

"I don't care at this point in time" he says looking back down.

"V you will care, please just go outside for me! And if it goes wrong I give you full permission to cut my leather jacket!" I say whilst putting my arm around him.

"Okay, who is it?" He questions me.

"Someone important to both of us" I say helping him up from the floor. Showing a small smile, he just walks away from me over to the door.

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