-Chapter Forty-

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Taehyung's POV

Whilst we were eating all I could think about was Ren and J being the Huntress and the Kitsune and how Ryan went 'missing' all so suddenly.

"V? What's up?" I hear someone whisper to me. I look from my bowl that I must have been staring at.

"Hmm" I mumble because I don't actually know who said it because I was completely zoned out.

"What's up? What are you thinking about?" This time I know it's J because she was looking at me. Waiting for me to answer she looks back down to her bowl before pulling a sad face meaning she must have no food left!

"I was thinking" I say I didn't remember what she had said.

"About?" I here Suga ask.

"Ren's ex Ryan, went missing what does that mean?" I then see J's head shoot up with a grin on it.

"I dealt with him" she says with pride in her voice. "Everyone including his parents think he's in Australia somewhere with his new girlfriend, but we won't go into detail about why they think that" she says smiling a little.

I then look over to Ren who looks a little uncomfortable probably because I brought up Ryan. "Will she deal with me to?" I ask Ren trying not to sound scared but I think I sounded scared. She just shook here head.

"Hopefully not"


"I always wondered what happened to Ryan he was a good lad" Mich speaks up whilst raising his head from originally looking into his bowl. Looking from Mich over to J. I can see a little bit of anger and annoyance in J's eyes.

She leans forward making Jimin lean back as she slaps Mich around the back of the head "Ryan? A good lad? No he wasn't remember?" Mich mouths sorry to Ren but I don't think she saw because she's currently looking down at her bowl slowly eating.

She just stays quiet. Mich then continues to eat his food with the biggest guilty look on his face.

"So what happened for J to do what she did to Ren's ex?" I hear Suga ask. Ren's head quickly looks up but before she can speak J takes the lead.

Serenity's POV

I hate talking about my ex with a passion. I'm glad he's supposedly missing. He was and forever will be the biggest mistake I ever made. I should have listened to J when she was telling me I could do better, that he's not worth it. But I'm not going to tell her that.

I tune in and out of the conversation. I look up to see Tae looking at me. "Will she deal with me to?" He asked me sounding a little scared, all I could do was just shake my head.

"Hopefully not" maybe that wasn't the right thing to say! He should understand. I then tune out from the conversation again continue to slowly eat my food that Jin cooked us all.

Every so often I look up to look at everyone. And then sometimes I also decide to listen too.

"So what happened for J to do what she did to Ren's ex?" I hear Yoongi ask. Quicker than the sound of light I look up. I went to speak but before I could even open my mouth to speak J does.

"He was a dick, made her feel small and pathetic, like she was shit in the bottom of his shoe! She did everything for him even when she didn't have to and he never did anything in return!"

"J SHUT UP" I shout grabbing one of her Chinese ring daggers as her bag was next to me. Treating it like one of my throwing stars, I threw it at her shoulder in annoyance and little bit anger.

She widens her eyes in surprise. Thanks to her cat like reflexes she catches the dagger. But she caught the blade end.

"Oww! The fuck Ren?! Using my own dagger?!" I place my bowl down on the floor and stand up.

"I trust these guys but I don't want everyone to know my previous relationship okay?! So shut up sometimes and let other people have their say! It's my story to tell not yours!" I snap again before walking to the front door.

With my hand on the handle just about to pull the door open J pipes up again. "Where are you going now? Always running away" she fires back to me.

"For some fresh air actually and don't even think about bringing that up!" I growl as I pull the door open in frustration, walking out, before slamming the door closed.

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