-Chapter ThirtyTwo-

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Jaimé-Leigh's POV

I finally knock some sense into Ren's head. She does need to talk to V because she's not used to having a caring relationship. The last guy she was with was horrible, never ever did anything for her and made her feel small and pathetic which she isn't.

I'm glad she's with V but I don't want her to fuck it up. She likes being independent and not being used to a caring relationship makes it hard for her to be independent. V doesn't know that yet, hence why she needs to talk to him.

"Ren if you don't walk to V I will"

"Okay I'll do it later, I promise!"

"You better" I lightly punch her arm.

We all decided to continue to walk. But we suddenly come to a stop as soon as we all heard a gun shot. We all stand with are back against one another and look around. But no one was there? We all jogged around the corner to hide, just in case we need to get ready to fight.

"Guys I got a stich!" Amber says holding her right side. As she kneels down she hisses in pain.

"Ouch, okay this isn't a stich" she says to us. Taking off her jacket I notice she's bleeding.

"I'm bleeding! Why am I bleeding?" panic fills her voice.

"Maybe because you just got shot!" Ren says as she places her hand on Ambers shoulder.

"See this is could have been you" I say pulling Ren to the side.

"Now do you know what V meant!" I say again to which she just nods.

"Okay let's try and get you back" Jed says to Amber.

"Okay or maybe not!" Ren whispers as she looks to the many rogues in front of us.

"Jed you keep on Amber, we've got this" I say looking from him to Ren.

"We've got this, it's just like that time a couple years ago, but instead of four criminals it's seven rogues!" I say smiling at Ren, she just nods.

"Let's do this" she holds her Katana up as we both walk towards them. If we were in a movie we'd have some badass music as we walked towards the fight.

"Seven of us against Two of you will be way to easy! We want a challenge" a rogue looks disgusted at us.

"We may look like we won't put up a fight but trust my words, we will" I say looking at him whilst I shoot the rogue to his left wit an arrow from my compound bow.

"Oops I think my finger slipped" I smile to him as he looks to the guy with an arrow in his chest.

Whilst everyone looks to the fallen rogue, no one sees Ren throw a throwing star into another rogues neck. "Did you see that? I bet he didn't" Ren elbows me.

"So that's two down only five more to go!" I say to Ren who swings namjoons bat onto her shoulder, and shrugs them.

"Let's go then"

Serenity's POV

It's been a while since me and J have fought together like this. I enjoyed it so much it reminded me of some of the stuff we had to do before we came here.

I'm used to killing people now. When we're on the outside it was J who would usually be the one to kill. I could never bring myself to do it, but after my second kill I was fine, it wasn't that bad. I still don't like it but to survive I've got to.

There was only two rogues left. Me and J are currently stood back to back. There was one in front of me and one in front of her.

Mine ran towards me, without thinking I swang Namjoon's bat to block their hit. Can the bat came into contact with them I heard a cracking noise. Yet all I could do was shrug, it was a low hit so I have no idea what had happened. To be quite honest I couldn't care either. It was self defence.

I have no idea what J did but when I turned around to her all I could notice was that the guy had a 'J' carved into his cheek.

"Really J? Really?" I laugh at her.

"I shot him with the bow first" she said trying to be innocent!

"You do make me laugh sometimes"

Jed's POV

As I was watching J and Ren fighting the rogues, it started to remind me of the Huntress and the Kitsune videos I've watched online.

I wouldn't be able to tell if it was them though. Mainly because the only thing you can ever see on their faces when they fight is their eyes because of the masks they wear.

I looked to Amber but as I did I noticed that she didn't just have one gun shot wound.

She had two of them just inches apart.

A part of me doesn't want her to die but then another part of me does. Only because it means that we can get out of here sooner. I was going to shout over to Ren and J but as I looked up I noticed them standing back to Back before they started to fight again.

Amber starts to cough which grabs my attention.

"How's she doing?" I hear J ask, turning my head slightly I see them both jog over to us.

"If I'm being honest I don't think she'll make it she didn't get shot once she got shot twice look" I say pointing to the two bullet marks.

Jaimé-Leigh's POV

As me and Ren jog back over to Jed and Amber, I notice amber getting paler and paler. As we got closer I called over to Jed.

As we got to him he answered me. "If I'm being honest I don't think she'll make it she didn't get shot once she got shot twice look" he points to the two gun wounds.

"Crap, I'm going to die aren't I?" Amber says to us whilst sat against the wall.

"Not on my watch your not! Right come one, let's get back and we can fix you up!" Ren says to her making her smile a little.

Me and Ren put Ambers arms around our shoulders to stand her up.

We were all walking in silence for a good five minuets until Amber broke it. I'm glad she did because if meant she is alive but when she spoke she sounded like she was half asleep.

"Hey, I'm glad it was me who got shot and not one of you" she says to us.

"Why are you glad it was you?" Ren asks first.

"Because you have V, J has Jimin and Mich has you guys and a family who love him! Yeah I have a family also but they don't want anything to do with me, so I've basically got nothing anymore, my best friend held me back and was killed, my family hate me, I've only got you three! Plus my dying will mean you can leave sooner!" She says with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You guys will be fine without me anyway, come on all I ever did was stay at home with Kay and Jin, the last few weeks I've been with you guys has been amazing" she stops talking to catch her breath.

"Amber stop talking like your going to die" I sternly say to her.

"I might though, if I do promise me you'll get out of here and tell people about this place! Promise me that, in case I do die today!" She doesn't look like she's dying she just looks like she's slowly falling asleep.

I'm really not wanting her to die because she's is one of my close friends we didn't have a lot in common but we got on well. I don't know how Ren will react because they've been close since secondary school, they had there arguments but they never really hated each other.

"We promise you" Ren says to Amber but she just nods her head, maybe she's not got the strength to talk. We continue to walk in silence for a while till we get to the corner before the safe house.

But we all notice something.

Die Trying | BTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें