-Chapter Twenty-

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Hobi's POV

We were currently out looking for anything that we could find. I was at the front along side Namjoon and Jimin. I slowed down a little because I was still a little annoyed by what Charlie had said to me earlier.

But then I'm glad that Ren stepped in and hit him otherwise I would have tasered him.

I didn't have a chance to say thank you to her either.

I didn't realise that I had fallen to the back of the groups. Looking for Ren I noticed she was just a little ahead of me walking next to Tae or V as he wants us to call him. I'll just stick to Tae.

I run up to her, slinging my arm around her shoulders. "Crap Hobi, you scared the life out of me" she laughs a little whilst moving her hand that was placed over her heart.

"I didn't say thanks for hitting Charlie earlier" I smile at her. I remove my arm from around her shoulders.

Charlie obviously heard me say his name as he turned around. "Why are you talking shit about me?" He marched up to me.

"He didn't, Charlie seriously back up, chill out and stop being a dick yeah?" Ren pushes his shoulder.

He lunges forward and grabs my taser. I quickly grab hold of it but in the process I knocked the button that accidentally tasers him.

"The hell was that for?" Charlie growls through his teeth.

"It was a mistake, you actually think of taser you for no apparent reason? If you hadn't have tried to take it from me this wouldn't have happened" I truthfully say to him.

"Charlie dude, calm down!" Jimin says stepping in between me and him.

I'm not the most aggressive or violent guy but piss my friends of by hurting me. You best run or apologise.

But Charlie doesn't back down.

Out the corner of my eye I can see Tae getting a little angry. I don't want him to get angry, not in front of Ren. Tae steps forward and grabs Charlie's arm pulling him back, making him fall to the ground.

Charlie who was getting angrier by the second gets back up and pushes Tae.

"ENOUGH!" I hear Namjoon and J shout. They both walk over, standing between Charlie and Tae who had Jimin stood behind him.

Namjoon's POV

"ENOUGH!" Me and J shout before we both standing between Tae and Charlie. Charlie dusts himself off them shoots a glare towards us.

"Ohh big bad Namjoon stepping in" Charlie looks me up and down in disgust.

What a little kid. I could easily put you on your ass with one little push.

He then decides to push my shoulder. "Dude stop acting so childish" I was then put on my ass.

Licking the corner of my lip, I frown. Lifting my hand up to my lip I wipe the corner of my mouth with my thumb. Only to look at my thumb to see blood.

"Did you seriously just punch him?" Yoongi points to me as I stand back up.

"Yes I did, got a problem?"

"Yeah you are my problem, you think your a big man when you just nothing" Yoongi squares up to him.

"What are you goi-Oww!" He screams out.

I watch him as he looks to his shoulder which has a throwing star stuck in his shoulder. Looking over to Hobi as he owns a couple of them. Shaking his head he points over to Ren.

Serenity's POV

Charlie just punched Namjoon. Why is he acting out like this? He has no reason be be like this.

I look to see Yoongi and Charlie inches apart. This is getting ridiculous. Something needs to be done.

Sidestepping a little to the right, I stand at an angle that gives me a perfect aim to hit Charlie with a throwing star. I throw the star, hitting him straight in his shoulder. He screams out in pain before he looks down to the star stuck in his shoulder.

Out the corner of my eye I see Hobi point towards me. Looking at everyone a couple of them smile. One of them being Tae. I love the nickname that J gave him but I still find calling him Tae adorable.

"Bitch" Charlie groans whilst looking from the star implanted into his shoulder to me. Pulling the throwing star out from his shoulder he throws it to the floor.

"What the hell was that for?" He growls at me.

"Two things! One don't you dare talk to me like that, two because your being ou-" I was cut off by him screaming out once again.

He falls to the floor with an arrow stuck in his thigh.

There was only two people out here who used arrows. Yoongi and J. I can tell that it wasn't Yoongi as he was stood in my life of sight. Turning I look to J as she lowers her compound bow.

Grinning to herself she walks over to him. She pushes his shoulder that was cut by the throwing star. Hissing in pain he looks up to her.

"You know I'm not apposed to killing one of my own if they step out of line! Didn't I make that clear enough when I put a bullet in Taylor's skull?" He scoffs at her.

"Wrong move" she says with a low before betting kneeling down and shooting him close range in the neck.

Standing back up she turns around and smiles at us all. "I promised him I'd kill him one day! Just leave him to bleed out, he deserves not to be saves" she starts to walk over to us by then she turns around and steps over to Charlie pulling her arrow out from his thigh but she leaves the one in his neck in.

Skipping over to me she throws her arm around my shoulders. "So how about starting a YouTube channel?" I chuckle whilst raising my eyebrows at her unnecessary question.

"I don't really think this is the time or place for that you knob!" I say all serious but my laughter gets the best of me.

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