-Chapter Two-

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Two Years Ago

Taehyung's POV

"MIN YOONGI!!" I shouted for him even though I knew he was sat opposite me. Looking up from his phone, he looks unamused. But before I could speak his phone gets his attention again.

"What?!" That's all I get? What an amazing conversation.

"Look at this!! There is this adventure house maze" I tell Suga who isn't even listening anymore.

"Suga?" I question his name. Humming I ask another question.

"Are you even interested?" Nodding at my question I smile, but then he speaks.

"Nope, go ask someone else, bye now" Sometimes I wonder why I talk to him, but then I realise he's one of my best friends. Getting up out of my chair, I walk over to him. I do the only thing that comes to mind and that is to lock his phone just to be annoying.

Running away from him I call out Jimin's name. "JIMINIE PABOR" This was the first thing that came out my mouth. For two reasons being either Jungkook will laugh or Jimin will say something giving away his location.

"What the hell" Jimin mumbles appearing from the livingroom. Found him.

"Look at this, I tried to show Yoongi but he is being a grumpy old man again" Shoving my phone into his hand he looks down then back to me.

"So it's just the same old Suga then?" Jimin laughs to himself, then looks to my phone. He goes completely silent whilst he reads.

"This looks awesome! KOOKIE, JOONIE HYUNG, JIN HYUNG, HOBI, SUGAAA COME HERE" Jimin shouts. Jungkook comes out from the bathroom.

"What? I need to shower" Namjoon comes out from the kitchen along Hobi.

"Thank you, thank you for calling me, Hoseok here wouldn't stop taking about this person doing some dance cover he wanted to learn" Namjoon says his voice full relief. Hoseok looks to Namjoon with his jaw dropped.

"Rap Monster, you shouldn't tell lies" Namjoon then flicks Hobi on the back of the head. Pouting and rubbing the back of his head he quietly apologises.

Jin then suddenly appears from nowhere and frowns at Namjoon. "Namjoon don't be so horrid to Hobi, Hobi you know that Namjoon keeps his Rap Monster name to himself" Looking from one another to Jin, they both look at their feet.

"Sorry Eomma" Namjoon sarcastically speaks up earning a light yet hard slap from Jin Hyung!

"MIN YOOONNNNGGGIII" I shout for him once again. No reply. I think he's dead.


Whithin less than a second Suga magically appears from the bedroom. "Why is it every time I want to go to sleep someone shouts for me? Now what is so freaking important? I swear that its its that maze this Taehyung was showing me, don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck" Yoongi grumbles, half awake.

"Well it is so suck it up buttercup" a smug smile appearing on Jimin's face after what he just said.

"This maze is for seven people to enter, there are seven of us, the perfect number to enter" Jimin explains, and the rest of us all nod, well Suga just sits there slowly falling asleep again.

"So, who wants to go? Because I think do, it does sound pretty interesting" Jin smiles.

"Well if eomma Jin is going I am going" Hobi and Jungkook both say I sync.

Five out of Seven want to go, this is great. "So that's five of us already then, Namjoon, Yoongi, you two up for it?" I ask both of them.

"If I makes you happy and let's me go back to sleep, then yeah why the hell not" Yoongi shows a little smile. Namjoon just nods.

"See I knew you would come around Yoongi" I smile widly and hug him which might have been a mistake as he just goes rigid.

Just under ten minuets later I had finished the online application for us all. It was a rather long application. After I had clicked send my phone vibrated to signal an email had just come though. The email basically explain about how a car will pick all seven of us up on the 12 June at 1pm to take us to the house.

That is in four days!

"Okay so we need to get packing, a car will be here at 1pm on the 12th of June to take us to the house maze" I announce to them all. Literally everyone bar me and Yoongi moves.

Why have I got to be the one to wake a sleeping Yoongi?

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