-Chapter Eighteen-

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Jimin's POV

We were the last ones back. As soon as we got back we all separated. Serenity went over to Hobi who was his usual self. Full of smiles. J walked over to Tae. I was going to talk to her but she walked away. Oh well some other time.

Standing around I just watch everyone doing their own things. Well until I feel a hand on my shoulder which makes me jump out of my skin. I turn my head to see Jin.

"Jin, you nearly scared me" He smiles whilst trying to hold in a laugh.

"Sorry Chim, I just came over to ask if you and Kookie could maybe come and help me with the food and water?" I nod.

"Yeah why not" Kookie days from beside me. The three of us walk over to where the food and water is kept.

I'm glad that we were able to find one of the big safe houses. We didn't find this one straight away though. We had lived in three before this one. This one is like a palace compared to the other three.

This one has a closed off bathroom, it has a little mini kitchen but no oven just one little ring to boil rice but the food that we find can be microwaved. We had tones of microwaveable foods but the only problem was that this place didn't have a microwave. So we stole a microwave from some rogues that Namjoon and Yoongi killed.

"Jimin" I hear Jin say my name.

"Yeah? Sorry I was just thinking, what did you say?" I question Jin.

"I was just asking you to pass the water butt, so I can fill all bottles for us all" I look around and spot the water butt.

I walk over and start to push it over to him. It was heavier than normal. Tae and Yoongi did good.

Once I had pushed the butt over him, he started to fill out bottles up. I turn around as I hear the door close. It was J and Tae coming back into the house. When did they even go outside?

They both part ways. She goes to her rucksack and he went back to cleaning his gun. He does that a lot. Even then it's shining she cleans it more?

I have no idea what happened J starts to stamp her feet in anger, which is funny yet cute. "Stop stamping your feet like a five year old" the guy called Charlie, who I don't really like that much calls over to her.

I've spoken to him once. He already annoyed me. What he said about Jin was the main thing that got to us all. Plus I think he likes J because of the way he looks at her and how he always agrees with her.

I think what he said was a bad move because she throws something at him which lands in front of his crotch. I looked to see what it was she has thrown. It was a Chinese ring dagger.

My kind of girl right there.

"Oh man holy shit" Kookie whispers quietly. If I was him I would be just a little scared. He looks down then back up at her in complete shock.

"Say that again bitch I dare you" she says with no emotion on her face. Ren then grabs and drags her into the bathroom.

I lean over to Jungkook "Yep definitely in love" I whisper to him.

Serenity's POV

I quickly grabbed J's and dragged her into the bathroom to calm her down. I wish she didn't take every little comment so seriously.

"J, look at me"

She ignores me.

"J LOOK AT ME" I shout in her face. That finally makes her snap out of what ever trance she was in. Her eyes change from being killer back to normal. She sits on the toilet lid breathing heavily.

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