-Chapter Eleven-

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Serenity's POV

Today is the day that we enter into the maze. I sit on the edge on the bed, and J does the same.

Grabbing out rucksacks we both walk out the room, meeting the other five. "So who's ready?" J asks everyone. Everyone shrugs in response. This is literally all my fault. Stupid small print that no one ever reads.

We all walked back down to the lobby, to enter the maze. But when we got there the door wouldn't open. Then all of a sudden everyone phone went off. Pulling mine out I see a text message from a blocked number.

Blocked ID;
Hello Killjoys! These are a couple of messages telling you all what you will need to know! First. You can receive texts and calls but you cannot text nor call out, if or when anyone rings you they cannot hear you but unfortunately you can hear them.

Blocked ID;
Second. At points you will receive challenges from me, some will be good some that may not be so great, or none at all.

Blocked ID;
Third. There is no wifi. Also 3G does not reach this area, your phones will be absolutely useless, unless you have a torch.

Blocked ID;
Fourth. In the maze there will be toilets dotted around, there will be safe homes around. These safes homes will include plugs to charge your phones, toilets and sometimes beds and food, but finding them is the difficult part.

Blocked ID;
Fifth. Water is essential but unfortunately you will have to go out to find that water. Water is everywhere but you will still have to hunt for it.

Blocked ID;
Sixth. There are many people in this maze and you must kill to survive! You cannot trust anyone. It's either kill or be killed! This is a game of survival! The only way to get out is to escape. Yet people have failed to do so. No one has escaped in over 2 years when this all first started. That's all...goodbye.

After reading these texts we all look to each other. Whilst I look up I noticed a little sign suck on a steel door. I frown a little. Walking over to the door I peel the note of and read it to myself.

Take as many as you can. You will need it.

"Killjoys, take as much as you can, you will need it" I say reading the note out loud to everyone. I stick it back onto the door. Thoughts flood my mind. What could be behind that door?

"One If is has to open it?" J says.

"I'm out" I raise my hand.

"Not it" Both Jed and Charlie call raising their hands.

"I don't think so" Amber and Kay say all in sync.

"Jaimé's it!" Taylor squeals earning a death glare from J.

"Fuck, well here goes nothing" She grumbles, pushing the door open.

We all walk into the door that was pitch black. Searching for a light switch I find a long cord. Pulling it a beam of light flickers on. Weapons. The room was stacked full of weapons.

"No way, that have a compound bow, I claim this " J squeals grabbing the bow. Never since I have known J has she ever squealed so loud. She's squealed before but never like that.

We all walk around and grab what ever we can.

J takes the only compound bow there is, she also grabs a gun with a lot of amo that she quickly stuffs into her rucksack pocket.

I grabbed the only Katana there was, because let's face it they are just plain awesome and also seem seem pretty badass. I put the blade into the case, and put the strap on my shoulder.

Doing the same as J, I grabbed a little handgun, stuffed loads of amo in to my rucksack. I continue to look around to see what else I could grab. I picked some throwing stars as well.

Jed turns around holding a warhammer, with a smile on his face. Then spotting the guns he strides over to them.

Charlie chose a pair of nunchucks. Does he even know how to use them?

Kay chose a gun, she just went for the plain and simple. She's not one over the top things.

Amber picked a collapsible baton. That's actually a really good weapon because it's easy to carry.

"Taylor why aren't you taking anything?" Amber questions her.

"Nothing hear looks good enough for me" Taylor points at all the shelves full of weapons. I go to say something but I jump out of my skin at another loud ring.

"This is your final announcement, you will leave the weapons room to make your way to the steel gates" the voice stops. Looking around at each other, we all walk out the room heading towards the big gates.

Arriving at the gates we all stand in a straight line, all stood next to one another.

The gates slowly open. Looking down the line at everyone we all nod at each other. All taking a step inside the maze, the gates slam shut making us all jump.

Even J jumped, that doesn't happen very often.

"KillJoys you have now entered the maze, try your best not to get killed" the voice echos around us. Clutching on to my Katana we all wall together.

We all stop as some kid who looks sixteen runs up to us screaming waving a knife around. Within a blink of an eye, he's led on the floor. With an arrow through his head. Frowning we all look to J.

"Not even been a minute and you've killed someone already" I chuckle at her as she shrugs lowering her bow.

"I vote Jaimé leader" Charlie says aloud. We all nod in agreement. Jed then looks in his direction.

"Obviously you would!" He shakes his head.

"What is that supposed to mean" Charlie fires back.

"You know what that means"

"Guys seriously just shut up, let's walk otherwise we will be killed and I would like it very much if I didn't die at the age of twenty" I whisper shout to them.

Our time in the maze begins now.

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