-Chapter FiftySix-

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Yoongi's POV

"So who is training with Ren today" J questions us all.

We hadn't been up that long at all but we were all dressed and ready. "I think all of us to be honest well except Jin" V says.

"I'm not, we know I can fight pretty well and to be honest I really can't be arsed to train today" I speak up.

"What are you going to do then?" Jimin asks me.

"I'll keep J company and learn about hacking" I point to J.

"I'm fine with that, I could use a another pair of hands" J smiles.

"Quick question thigh how many of you value your phones?" She asks us again.

"Jed doesn't need his" Ren quickly throws his phone over to J.

"You know what I don't actually care anymore" he huffs.

Man he is getting more irritating by the day. Seriously how have Ren and J put up with him for so long!

"Okay I need three more" she says looking towards Ren.

"No! I'm not giving you mine!" Ren quickly says.

"Here you can have mine! It's all backed up into my laptop back at home anyway" Namjoon slides his phone across the floor to J.

"Okay two more" she says.

"I'm pretty sure that Charlie guy left his here" I say pointing towards a draw. "For some reason he hid it in here" I chuck it to J.

"Okay who else wants to hand their phone in to the donation hands? I need just one more" J says and we literally all look to Jungkook.

"Hell no! I need mine it's got everything I need on it, use Hobi' he never uses his!" He gets getting defensive and hugging his phone whilst pointing towards Hobi. We all look from Jungkook to Hobi who sighs.

"I mean no but if it's gonna help us leave this place than please take it" He sighs handing his phone to J.

"One of you might be in luck as I might only need to use three of them!" She tells the other guys.

"So you and Yoongi in here doing that and me and the others outside training?" Ren calls over to J whilst she's stood by the door holding her Katana. J just nods before laying the four phones out in front of her.

"Okay guys bring everything and let's see what we can do!" Ren tells them as she walks out the door.

A couple minutes later everyone was outside and it was just me and J. We were working for a couple of minutes but then questions started to fill my head about the Huntress one being that she has completely different hair.

"Are you sure you are the Huntress?" I strict up ask her, she looks from Charlie's phone and tilts her head.

"Yeah? I am pretty sure I'm the Huntress!" She tells me whilst looking back to the phones.

"I just ask because she's got white hair and well you've got that" I say not exactly knowing how to describe her hair colour.

"It's called a wig Suga, also what's wrong with my hair?!" She says getting all defensive about it.

"Well it's like a green, blue, brown-ish colour, it's not very appealing" I say to her and her jaw just drops.

"Well I liked it, and if it's not us to your satisfaction why don't you dye it for me when and if we make it out alive" she frowns at the phone.

"Deal" I smile to myself.

"Pass me Namjoon's phone" she points to her left whilst it was actually on her right. Unlocking the phone, she starts laughing a little.

"What the hell is a Rap Monster?" She asks me whilst still laughing a little.

"Well two things, one ever say that to Namjoon and two basically it's his rapper name, he hates it when people talk about it, I used to wind him up about it, he's actually really good to be honest" I say as she presses the screen playing one of his songs.

After it had finished she sat there with her mouth wide open. "Wanting any flies to stop by?" she shakes her head.

"That was amazing, anyway let's get back to hacking this needs to get this done as soon as possible so we can practice our escape!" She tells me before she continues to mess with the phones.

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