-Chapter FortyNine-

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Serenity's POV

"J ready for the wake up call?" I say to J as we look at the other eight sleeping peacefully on the floor.

"Yep, I've always liked a little bit of revenge" she says back to me adding her little evil laugh at the end.

"OH MY GOD FIRE!!" We both scream. "FIRE!" We shout at them and they all wake up in panic, a couple even scream. We grab the pots and pans that we could find and started making a lot of noise hitting them against the wall and banging them together.

"Wake up ladies" J calls whilst hitting a pan against the wall.

"Sleep is for the weak!" I say looking at them all.

Me and J then start hitting each other's pans together making even more noise. "OKAY WE ARE ALL UP NOW SHUT UP" Yoongi shouts to us.

"Now now Yoongi no need to that kind of attitude" I say to him.

"What even is the time?" Namjoon asks as he tries to find his phone which he won't be able to find as me and J have hidden all the phones as well as the watches so they can't know the time.

"It is exactly 8:58am" J says looking at them.

"Which means you have exactly two minutes to get ready to start at nine" I tell them. Jimin then raises his hand.

"How do you expect all" he then pauses what he was saying to count how many there was "Eight, how do you expect all eight of us to all use the bathroom in two minutes?" He asks both me and J.

"You are all guys, so you all have the same anatomy, share the bathroom" J laughs at him and he pulls a disgusted face.

"The longer you stand here and talk and complain the less time you have" I tell them and within a second they were all squeezing though the bathroom door, well all except from Jin.

They all soon enough come out from the bathroom with horrified looks spread across all of their faces. "NEVER make us do that again! I saw things I wish to unsee" Hobi frowns at us.

"I think we should tell them J"

"Tell us what?" Yoongi says getting annoyed at us.

"Well, it's now 7:34am" J says deadly serious.

"WHAT?" They all shout and scream at us both.

"But since you guys are up nice and early we can start training?" J says with a happy tone.

"I blame YOU for putting THEM in charge NAMJOON!" Yoongi shouts to Namjoon.

"Yeah I blame myself too" he mumbles whilst ooking to the floor.

"If we start at eight we can have a break at twelve or something so that's four solid hours of training" I say to to them and then look at J.

"Yeah that sounds good, well it's 7:49 now so by the time we get our weapons and everything it will be near enough eight so let's all get ready" J claps her hands at them all, making them scatter to grab everything they need.

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