Terrorisor- Legion (Part ¹)

Start from the beginning

I decided to listen into the conversation.

"What would you like to drink?" Sue asks.

"I am just going to order what I want, and that is steak!" The old lady says.

"Would you like the steak medium rare, just rare...."

"Raw please."

Sue hesidently wrote it down and walked over to the chef.

"Wonderful weather we're having!" The lady says to me.

"Yes, it's beautiful!" I say.

"My name is Martha!"

"Hello Martha, I'm (y/n)"

Sue puts the raw meat in front of Martha. Martha picks up her knife and starts cutting it.

"How far along are you?" Martha asks while she ate a piece of meat.

Blood was dripping down from her mouth.

"6 weeks." I say.

"That's great! I hope it burns in hell!" Martha says.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."


I was cut off by her jumping over at me. She grabbed my hair and dragged me out from the booth to the floor.

"Die! Your baby is going to die!" Martha breathed into my face.

Her teeth were like sharks, sharp and all.

Someone pushed her off of me and grabbed me. It was the guy with the business suit.

Martha growled at me and then climbed the wall? She physically climbed the wall.

She is now sitting on the ceiling.

"Freaky." I say.

"Uh-huh" suit guy says.

Now everyone was in the dining room. Looking at the lady.

"What do we do?" Sue asked.

But Martha did the first move. She jumped down from the ceiling and bit zebra pants on the neck.

"TYLER!" Suit guy cried out.

This lady has got to go.

I grabbed the first thing I grabbed, which was a spoon on the table.

"I got this, your pregnant." Suit guy says.

He grabbed it from me and ran full speed at the lady. He jumped on her back and started to stab her on the back. But it wasn't fazing her because, well it's a spoon.

"Move aside." A deep voice grumbled.

The cook pulled out a pistol and shot two rounds at the lady, killing her.

"Oh thank god." I said.

But I ran over to the Tyler guy. He was bleeding badly. Well of course he would be (y/n), he just got bit.

I ripped off some fabric off of Tyler's shirt and pressed it against his neck.

"It's going to be okay." I said.

"Thank you for helping my boyfriend. How did you know what to do?" The suit guy asks.

"My parents are paramedics. They used to take a lot of homework home."

I brought Tyler up to his feet and sat him down on a booth.

I walked up to the boss and his circle.

"I will hide the body, and if anyone asks where this freak is, we have no idea." Bunny says.

-Time skip-

Sue and I sat back in a chair. Everyone grabbed a seat around us.

"Okay, now that is done with. What now?" Sue asks.

"I have no-"

I was cut off by the cook and the bosses son ran to the window. The peeked through the blinds.

"Ah, dad. We have some company." The son says.

We all crowd around the window, a cop car stopped right in front of the diner.

We all scramble to the door to meet the cop.

But....... The person who stepped out of the cop car, was not a cop.

Bunny grabbed the pistol out of the chef's hand and pointed it at the man.

"Woah! Put the gun down." The man said.

"We have had a rough day here sir. What are you doing at my diner!" Bunny shouted.

"Well it's about to get alot rougher. Let's get to work."

The man went in the trunk of the cop car and pulled out two huge bags, full of.... I'm not sure.

He walks past everyone, buts stops by me.

"You watch yourself missy." He whispered into my ear.

He then walked into the diner.

-Time skip-

We all crowded around the man, wanting answers.

"Okay, let's start off by getting to know each other! I'm Ohm!" Bunny said.

"(Y/n)!" I say.

"Sue." Well sue said.

"Bryce!" Ohms son said.

"David!" The cook said.

"I'm Craig and this is Tyler." The guy in the suit said.

We all looked over at the mystery man.

"Brian. Now that the introductions are on the table, let's get serious." The mystery man said.

Oh boy, sounds like it's going to be a long night.

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