Frank's POV~ 14 years old

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If someone were to ask me, "Frank, what's your favorite holiday?" I'd say, "Halloween, because it's my birthday". If they, in turn, asked me why it wasn't Valentine's Day, I'd punch them in the goddamn face. I can have my own opinion shit-head, you don't have to question it. Why should my favorite holiday be a sham to show someone you love them (as if you didn't love them for the rest of the year?) and for corporations to get money off of chalky flavorless heart candy that said shit like "b mine". 

Also, Gerard didn't ask me to the Valentine's dance. 

And that's why I'm kinda salty. It's not nice. Every time I think about it, my heart aches. It was this Saturday and I wasn't officially asked. Now, I'm forced to go to my grandma's all the way in lower Jersey because I don't even have an excuse not to go. I love my grandma, but here are the options:

1. Go to a cheesy Valentine's dance. It may not sound fun, but you'll be there with Gerard Way. Gerard Way is kinda the light of your life because he's always been there and his smile could cheer up anyone. He's sweet, cute, and he has a nice booty and that's good for slow dancing if you know what I mean.

2. Go to grandma's and help her clean up leaves from the front yard, maybe walk her tiny dog a few times and find her asleep on the couch so you can't even watch Star Wars or anything.

You can't tell me you'd rather have option 2 over ANYTHING with Gerard. But, alas, on the night of the Valentine's dance I was going to grandma's instead of getting a small box of chalky flavorless heart candy with an assortment of dumb phrases. I texted Gerard as I was on my way.

Gee- hey Frankie i have a surprise for you, will you come to my house around 6?

Me- i cant, going to g-ma's

Gee- dang it

Me- can it wait until sunday maybe??

Gee- is this the grandma that i met? the one who lives in Plainfield

Me- ya, ill be there all weekend. why?

Gee- nothing, jw. Wyd?

Me- in the car? duh cx lol

Gee- oh yeah i forgot sorry

Me- ur so cute, wyd?

Gee- ur the cute one ((: im in my car

Me- where are you going? 

Gee- idk just driving.

Me- you shouldn't be texting and driving you marble face

Gee- my face is marble now? wasn't it bricks last time?

Me- no, that was brick head. not brick face. Focus on the road you brick head. I'll ttyl (:

Gee- ok, see you later LAZER ARM

The dork didn't even spell laser right. That's why I love him so much. He's too adorable. 

I finally got to my grandma's. It was only a forty minute drive, but it felt like forever without being able to text Gerard. I went in with my grandma. All she did was greet me and tell me to go out and make some friends and walk her dumb Pomeranian that does nothing but bark at inanimate objects and crap on people's yards. 

I took the fucker's leash and began to walk him. Soon enough, I came by a few people who were around my age. They were likely slightly younger, but I was short so I didn't know. One of them climbed a tree and the other watched. I went up to the red hair quiff-cladded boy and introduced myself.

Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now