Crucial Note-

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I know updates are slow, but I want this book to last. I also have a variety of announcements. Please read through all of them (thank you so much):

1. There are new admins in my kik group. Because I am never active, I have promoted them because they were 2 of the first people there. I know kik had this weird update and some of you (including Rachel) have been asking to get in. Either text me with your kik name, or text PlanetaryKilljoy or LulYerNawtMoikeyWey your kik name requesting to join. There are updated rules, because offending anyone/bullying/etc. will NOT be tolerated. If you want to join and you're too afraid to text any of us, feel free to vote for this chapter or comment on this chapter. 

2. There will be a few new chapters coming out in the next few days, so I hope you're all ready for disappointment. Haha, just kidding. These chapters will be based on the upcoming holidays, and I'm currently editing a black Friday chapter.  I hope you all love them, and don't be scared to put requests in here. I LOVE requests. I remember an amazing request I got from Minion1327 and it was beautiful. 

3. Guys, please don't be afraid to message me on here. I love talking to you guys. 

4. My instagram is @frerardwaero and I would love if you guys followed me. (Tell me you're on wattpad and I'll follow you back).

5. A couple of new stories are coming soon, and that's why there haven't been many updates. I hope you guys love them. When these come out, I'm focusing on this story, and Separate Me From My Own Two Hands. I hope you guys love them.

Thank you so much if you read all the way through. (,,: I love you all, and thank you for reading.

-Leigha Lynch

Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now