Gerards POV- 16 years old

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I walked hand in hand with my darling Frankie through our usual spot in the park on a beautiful fall evening. Everything was great. The leaves of trees scattered around us, the slight breeze nipped at our exposed skin lightly enough to numb your toes, the homey scents flooded the air around us, and the screeching of a kid on the distance just engulfed your ears.

Wait, screeching of a kid? That doesn't sound like fall.

My grip on Frank's hand tightened.

"You heard that too?" he assured.

I nodded my head, terrified at the possibilities of what it could be.

I released my grip on Frank's cold hand and took off running in the general direction of the scream.

I came to a tiny clearing where Jason stood over a little kid no older than ten. The kids bottom lip trembled as he started at the meddling Jason with teary eyes.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I made my presence noticed.

Both of the kids turned to me. The stray looked relieved and Jason looked slightly guilty for a split second, but that emotion was soon masked by anger.

"Why don't you date a queer your own age, pedo", he sneered.

I heard rustling leaves behind me, indicating that Frank had located us.

"Are you okay?" I turned to help the kid up.

Jason seemed annoyed by this and obviously wanted attention.

"Oh no, a pedophile, better get your rape whistles, folks", Jason called out.

Frank gasped behind me.

"I'm fine, thank you", the squeaky voiced kid spoke.

"Faggotfaggotfaggot", Jason chanted repeatedly in Frank's direction.

The kid seemed bothered by this and without him even noticing, he punched him in the balls.

I felt a little queasy just watching the scene take place, but in the end I didn't care.

I didn't want that asshole to reproduce anyways.

Jason collapsed to the ground, grasping his private parts, and the three of us took off running.

We all stopped in the main part of the park to catch our breath.

"I'm Gerard by the way", I offered the kid to my hand to shake. "And you are?"

"I'm Kellin", the kid shook my hand and nodded. "I'm nine years old".

He held up nine fingers to clarify that he really was nine. Wow.

"This is my boyfr-, er, friend, Frank", I introduced my lovely lover.

"Your boyfriend?" his eyes bulged out of his head. "I like a boy. His name is Vic."

The boy looked nervous about telling us this information. I glanced at the smirking Frank because I knew he knew Vic.

"That's okay," I smiled at him. "You need to go find your parents now, but it was nice to meet you".

"My dad left me", Kellin looked down and began to cry.

"No no no, you don't need him. He's a big meant face. Someday you can use the frustration towards your dad and do something big with it", I smiled. "Now go get your mommy. She needs you".

Kellin smiled a gigantic smile at that.

"Good luck with Vic", Frank waved.

"Thank you Gerald and Frank", the kid bolted before I could correct him.

Frank chuckled at that.

I glared at him annoyingly.

"What, it's adorable", Frank shrugged.

"You're adorable", I smiled and kissed his cold cheek.

When I pulled away, I found that he was blushing.

The next day as we were walking home from school, Frank told me of how he overheard Vic in art talking to Tony about a kid he liked that was a grade or two below him and he suspected Kellin.

It was so adorable.

Not only was this a hard chapter to write because Kellin auto corrects to Mellon for some unknown reason and Pedo translates to Pedro on my Kindle, but I'm an idiot who tried to exit the chapter and forgot to add something and accidentally clicked no on saving it so I had to redo it. I feel like when I redo chapters, it's better.. I should do that with all of them.

Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now