Frank's POV~ badass years old

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I was awoken by the teacher who kicked my legs off of the desk. She stood there angrily, arms crossed.

"Frank Iero, I will not have you sleeping in my class", she scolded.

"Just did it, bitch", I laughed and yanked my legs back up on the desk.

"Those are against school policy," the teacher gestured to my piercings and I just shrugged.

"Whatever", I said.

It angered her how defiant I was. What can I say? I was a bad boy. And my girlfriend adored it. I flicked the collar of my leather jacket, bringing attention t my fingerless skeleton gloves.

"No gloves inside", she held out her hands for them.

"They also said no dogs in the building but there's a bitch standing in front of me", I pointed.

She scoffed and stomped her foot. She went to the front of the class, knowing full well that office discipline would only make me worse.

"At least pay attention, Iero. This is important", she said.

I shrugged and she continued to talk about.... bullying of all things. I was bad but I was no bully. I started to ask the wimp next to me for a pencil to throw at the teacher.

"Frank, no talking during my lesson", the teacher was angered.

"No teaching while I'm talking cunt", I said.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me", she muttered to herself over and over and over again.

To prove that words hurt, I got my class issued dictionary and threw it square at her. It didn't hit her, but she was a little pissed that I tried to throw a dictionary at her.

"Hallway, now", she was fuming with anger.

I shrugged and got up. Once I was in the hallway, I abandoned her door in search of my girlfriends class. I was smoking a cigarette whilst walking and stopped in front of her class. I let myself in and stood in front of the class. I finished my cigarette before putting it out on the wall and speaking.

"I need Gerard Way for checkout", I said.

The teacher, whom I had, didn't question it for some reason and I walked into the hall with my innocent giggling girlfriend.

"Where are we going?" she giggled.

"Hell", I said.

I pulled out my skateboard and her and I skateboarded into hell together while Highway To Hell by AC/DC played. The end.

Was this punk enough for you chloe? ily

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