Gerard's POV- 17 years old

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I'm publishing once more to calm my nerves. I didn't realize my PSAT was coming up so fast omg it's NEXT WEDNESDAY. I'm freaking out! Please enjoy, it released my anxiety for next Wednesday. 

Feels Alert:

The moment I heard the news, I was disconnected from my body. My eyes took over and I felt the warm sting of tears threaten my eyes.

"She's dead", my mother says. "She passed away this morning."

I believe it's time for me to be famous, And out of place. I believe it's time for me to move forward, When I break through. 

I pulled out my song book. I wrote the title. "Elena". I thought about it for a second and replaced the capital E with a lowercase one. I put an H in front of the E. For grandma was my only thought. I will make a successful music career to honor her through my music. I was determined. 

This time I'll make you, Proud to see me over, come on daylight. Proud of, who you raised. Your shelter, your peacefulness.

I remembered her raising me. Teaching me that homophobia was hateful. Teaching me my beliefs now. Getting me into songwriting in the first place. She'll see. I'll make her proud. Proud of who she raised. I owed this to her.

So this time I'll make you proud.

I won't let you down. I promise, you will be remembered. I began to write down the lyrics to the song that would honor you.

Proud of, who you raised up. You know that I will, Always be here 'til the end.

Though you may not be here now, I will always be there for you. Just as you were me. Speaking of being there for me...

Frank walked into the door of my bedroom.

"Gerard? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he instantly asked.

Come back so I can say thank you for this,

Please come back one more time. I love you.

"Gerard?" Frank exclaimed.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I shook my head and looked away from him, shameful that I was sad. She was in a better place... But the memories.

"It's my grandma", my voice cracked.

Home cooked meals and a place to rest, My troubled head when you're away, I've passed the test, I've earned an A, Not just in school, but in life, You'll always be right by my side. To help me show, hope to all, That are lost and sick in this dying world.

I missed her food, I missed her love, I missed her upbringing even when I failed at something. But I will earn an A+ in life. I'll earn it for you, grandma. I will never let you down.

A few more word poured out of my heart and onto my mostly blank paper in the form of dark ink.

I'll use the love you left behind,

I looked up at Frank, tears continuing to leak from my eyes. My heart fixed a tiny bit more. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. I love this man so much. 

I'll change their minds, I'll change their minds.

"Everything will be okay, Gee", Frank comforted. "Now tell me what's wrong!"

He was definitely changing my mind. The words were like art leaking from his beautiful lips. It made me feel okay. My heart healed, stitch by stitch.

I hope, I hope you smile, When you look down on me. I hope you smile. This can't, we won't know. I hope that I make you proud.

"Gerard", Frank pulled away. "Tell me sweetie".

"Sh-She's dead," I sobbed.

Frank knew what she meant to me. He instantly felt my pain and hugged me tighter than before. It molded my heart back together. He made me okay, and I bet grandma appreciated that. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed until I was dry of tears. I sat back down and continued my song in silence, the occasional hiccup interrupting the peaceful atmosphere.

Frank held my left hand the entire time, which comforted me to a high level.

This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side.

I need my grandma's love...

This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side.

I need my brother's and the rest of my family's love...

This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, yeah.

But most of all, I needed Frank's love. 

Before long, the song was complete. 

A/N: That song was not Helena. Don't patronize me, I know the difference! If you liked this idea that spilled from the top of my head, please comment here and tell me. If you didn't... tell me... I won't be offended!

Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now