Frank's POV~ 6 years old

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I sat down to practice for my PSAT and ACT so be glad that I love you all! I hope everyone understands that I am really busy with college crap and I'm extremely sorry :c I try to post as much as I can. I'm barely even in the kik group anymore! (But you can still join, just message me!!) Enjoy (:

It happened so fast that I didn't know it hit me. We were in an assembly, my hand nuzzled in Gerard's. Jason punched me in the back and the gum slipped right down my throat with just a little bit of resistance.

Memories floated through my mind.

Don't swallow gum, it's bad for you!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screeched, as if I were in a horror movie.

I ran out of the assembly about the upcoming Halloween party for the school. Conveniently celebrated on my birthday!

That was the last thing on my mind. I was on my deathbed!!

I ended up in the guy's bathroom, trying to regurgitate the gum into the disgusting toilets.

A teacher stormed in. Which was bad!!

"Mrs. Davis! This is the boys bathroom!" I was shocked that she came in here.

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked frantically.

"The thing that's wrong is you being in here!" I looked around and leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Guys pee in here".

"Was it Jason? Are you okay? Do you need the nurse?" she continued her parade of questions.

"It's too late now", I shook my head. "I've already digested the poison".

"Poison?" she gasped.

She ran out and I heard her yell to call an ambulance and get the nurse. It scared me, but I knew my end was near. It was no use.

Instantly, the nurse speed walked her way into the room. That was also bad! That's un-ladylike.

"Frank!" I heard Gerard scream outside of the door.

"You can't go in there, Gerard", I heard Mrs. Davis explain.

I got scared. All the questions directed at me by the nurse were drowned out by Gerard's crying. When she finally pulled me out of my sad trance, I looked up at her with teary eyes.

"I wanna see Gerard", I sobbed. "I wanna see him one last time".

"Uhh, umm, okay, sweetie I need to check your vitals!" she reached for my arm but I jerked away and got as far from her as I could.

"Gerard!" I yelled. "Now!"

The nurse groaned an exasperated noise and stomped out.

"Gerard!" she yelled.

Gerard evidently pushed the nosy lady out of the way and ran in. She followed him in frantically and annoyed.

"Frankie what's wrong?" he asked.

"Gerard, I'm dying", I cried. "I want to tell you my famous last words".

"Okay Frankie, tell me. I'll listen, I promise", tears were leaking from his eyes.

"I get a tingly feeling in my heart when I see you and I really like you. You're always there for me and I love you. Never change because you're perfect the way you are", I cried. "Tell my mommy I love her, but not as much as you. Okay?"

"Okay Frankie", Gerard hugged me and cried into my shoulder. "I love you too!"

The paramedics showed up and pried me out of Gerard's arms.

"Okay kid, do you know what you ingested?" the authoritative man asked.

"What does ingested mean?" I sobbed out.

"Umm, swallowed", he elaborated.

"Mhm", I nodded. "Mint gum. Strident to be exact".

The whole room fell silent. The paramedics looked at eachother, confused. The nurse looked like I played some kind of prank. Gerard looked relieved and kind of laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Frank, swallowing gum won't kill you silly!" he came behind me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh", was all I said.


Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now