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Please Read- more frerard today or tomorrow but I have had to shamelessly self promote personally to people to get them in the kik group. I feel bad, honestly to those of you I'm targeting, but everyone else has joined. So I've come to the conclusion that you guys are too shy. If you're shy about it, you can personally inbox me and I'll add you myself c:

I'm personally inviting YOU right now. You should really join because we LOVE new people. LiKe PlEAse new people are awesome! And we accept anyone and everyone.

It's #frerardoneshotfandom and if you want to inbox me or have troubles, my kik name is identical to my wattpad name so dm me. But tell me who you are bc I typically ignore DMs. thank you and please join! Or I will track you down and shamelessly self promote like I have to many others


Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now