Gerards pov~ 10 years old

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The five of us were walking down an alley, pretending we were fearless animal rescuers.

That is, fearless until we heard a dog barking.

"Dont scream, it'll make them want to eat you more!" Bob exclaimed.

"Nuhuh, that's not true", Mikey denied.

"Yeahhuh, that's what my mom said!", Bob argued.

"Shhhhh!" Ray intervened.

We decided to act brave around each other and just kept walking, continuing our childish fantasy game.

Everyone's limbs were shaking as the barking got closer.

We took a step and heard a growl. Frank screamed and latched onto my leg.

The monster emerged from the shadows, a conquistador of the night.... because it was a tiny blonde Chihuahua. We all groaned at the realization of our fear.

The little beast continued to bark and it whimpered with regret when Bob picked it up.

"Let's take him home and name him Taco", he said.

"Aweee, I wanna name it Unicorn", Mikey whined.

"I picked it up so I name it", Bob argued.

"We should name it Steeeve", Ray intervened.

"It's not even our dog", I intervened.

"Well we're on a quest to find who it belongs to", Ray claimed.

"It's a new adventure!" Mickey declared.

"Okay, okay, but can we name it Taco?" Bob asked.

"Yes!" we all said in unison.

We all laughed and went to the closest house. Bob's house.

We all stepped inside and took off our shoes because Bob's mom didn't like messy carpets. We walked down a hallway where Bob found his mom in the living room trying to fold clothes.

She yelped when she saw our little beast.

"We're on a journey to find where this beast resides so he can live out the rest of his days in pieces!" Bob exclaimed.

"Do you mean peace?" Frank asked.

"That's what I said, Frank", Bob said.

He pulled his mom down and whispered in her ear.

She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and handed it to Bob. We dialed the number on his collar.

"Hello?" a rusty, old voice answered.

"Yes we have your dog here, we believe he's lost?" Bob said.

"Where'd you find him?" he asked, concerned.

"Down an alley, it's okay sir. We found him", Bob said proudly.

"He wasn't lost. That alley was my backyard", the owner said flatly.

"Oh", Bob was stunned.

"Could you please just return Steve to the alley?" the owner asked.

"Uh, er, yeah, of course", Bob said.

He hung up the phone as Ray cheered.

"I knew Steve was the perfect name!" he exclaimed.

He bragged about it all the way to the alley where we returned Steve. All the while me and Frankie were silently holding hands.

Okay, this one isn't really Frerard, but i love it so much that I'm keeping it c: feedback and corrections appreciated. Thank you

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