Chapter 100- Mad Annie

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Annie Pov

They had better answer this door or I will break it down. I may want to throttle them until they have sense again, but they may be my last chance to locate Emily. As the door opens I see Sean standing in the door way. Before he can say anything I state:

"Good Morning. Is everyone here?"

"Good Morning Annie, and yes we are."

"Good I need to talk to everyone NOW." I stated as I step inside the house.

"Mrs. Roberts!" a shocked Owen exclaimed "What can we do for you today?"

"I need to talk to you all now. Get everyone down here."

"We are all the living room now. "

"Good. I don't have a lot of time." I state as I move past them towards the living room. I walk into the living room "Is Emily here or has been by here since 10 pm last night?"

"No. Why would she be here?" asked Kota.

"Where is she?" yelled North, as he jumped from his seat like his ass was on fire. I can see the panic in his eyes.

"I don't know." I said deflated and I lean against the wall. "She was supposed to go to the hotel, but she never made it. Her cell phone is off and Phil, Alec and I have not been able to locate her. I was hoping she may have came here to chew your asses out and was still here. I told Phil, if she was not here, I would contact him."

"What can we do to help?" asked Owen.

"Nothing. Don't worry yourselves with her now. She is no longer your concern." I state as a wave of anger rushes over me followed by a calming sensation.

"You came over here for a reason. Did you honestly think we would not help look for her?" shouted Victor.

"To be honest, I don't know what to think about you all. I thought you all cared about her and some of you I thought even loved her, but after these past two weeks, I don't think so."

"How could you say that about us? You know us better than that."

"How can you possible stand there and act shocked Sean?  You would think I know you after working and spending time with you all, but let's see. The guys I knew would have stood by her while she was in court these past two weeks dealing with her past being thrown in her face and plastered all on the news. Did you do that? NO. The guys I thought you were would have never left her alone feeling scared and used all this week."

"You would have been there to offer her support and encouragement when dealing with the Academy Board. Did you all do that, NO. The guys I know would have responded to her when she reached out to you all, did you answer her texts, calls, or letters. We all know that is a 'hell NO.'"

"When she performed a whole concert and dedicated it to you and your "Phenomenal Sang" last night and finally broke out of her shell she had placed around herself and the world. When she was testifying about how good, kind, and supportive of her you all have been, you all should have been there. Instead, not only did you not show up, you embarrassed her and made her doubt herself all over again."

"How do you know all of this?" asked a stunned Silas. The regret clearly showing in his eyes.

"Because I talked to her every night. I am the one the one who is sitting on the phone while she cried every night as she told me what was going on and how she felt alone. She said if it was not for the concert, she would not know what to do. It was so bad, that I told Phil to let Alec and Roc come back from boot camp to be with her for her concert. Alec and Roc decided to take the weekend off to be with her and cheer her up. So forgive me Sean for not thinking so highly of any of you right now.  All your actions did was prove to me and her that none of you really did care for her like you said."

Victor jumped up and said they have to find her. He left the room and came back with a laptop. Just then, my cell phone rang and I see it's Phil. Placing the phone on speaker I say: "I have you on speaker. Darling. She is not here and they don't know where she is."

"Damn it! Alright, I will contact Alec to have him try to locate her and will contact my team for assistance. You do what you can do to see if you can locate her as well. I will be on touch."

"What can we do to help Phil?" asked Owen.

"Just contact, Annie, Alec or myself if she contacts any of you." he states in a rush.

"Phil, we want to help. Maybe...."

"NO! You all have done quite enough as it is Owen. I am so angry and disappointed in you all right now I can't see straight. I am the one who told her she could trust you all and that you would not hurt her. You all just proved me wrong in the worst way. If you want something to do, look up her concert last night online and see for yourselves what you missed and how much you all fucked up. For right now, you all will continue to work on the project with Marc and that's all. That is an order and I mean it! If any of you disobey my order, I will suspend the whole team indefinitely. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Owen replied.

"Good. I will call you back later on Baby. Love you." he states before there is a click on the other end.

"I have never heard him sound like that before."

"Yeah Owen. He actually cursed so I know he is mad." states Sean

"He is only like that when he is furious or terrified" I reply.  "Look, he is worried because Emily just disappeared, and she is not answering her phone. The last time that happened, Damien took her.  He has a lot on his plate and it's obvious from the looks on your faces that you really did not know the extent of what was going on with her. If you hear anything from her, please let him know. I have to go." I turned and walked out of the room.

"WAIT!" yelled Silas as he and Luke come running out of the room after me. Who knew he could move so fast.

"Will you let us know if you find her?" asked Luke.

"If she wants us to, then yes." I reply.

"Where is Heart?" asked Nathan as he stepped out of the room with Gabe.

"I have him and he is fine." I respond.

"We were going to call her and ask her to come over so we could tell her how we felt about her today. We can't lose her." stated a desperate Gabe.

"I honestly don't know if it's too late for that or not." I see all of them look at me with shock, hurt and regret in their eyes. I don't have the time nor will I carry their guilt with me. I am a nice person though so I say "When I find her, if she wants to talk to you, I will tell her to call you. I can't make any promises. If she does not want to talk to you all, I will support her in that decision. You brought this on yourselves. Take care guys." I state as I walk out the door. I have a lot to do and I need get going just as Phil calls me back and vents to me until his head falls off. Shaking my head, I get in the car and drive off hoping to find my God-daughter.

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