Chapter 57-Tell Me How you Feel

Start from the beginning

"Gentlemen, what we are saying is don't fall for her. She is damaged beyond repair and we don't want you to go down that same path with her that you went with Sang. Not everyone is fixable or worth the time and energy to assist. Remember, people have to want the help and she does not as you just witnessed. We should know as that is what we do. We just need her to hold on while we get Damien so he will not post a threat to the academy, it's members, or the image we have. Once this is done, she will go on with her life and you yours." Mr. X retorted.

Something is wrong here. I need to talk to Owen privately as I have a lot of thoughts running through my head.

"Yes, thank you for that clarification. We will go now as we need to discuss how to handle this situation. Thank you and have a good day." Owen before promptly ending the call.

Owen turned to me "Something is not right and we need to meet with Emily and the rest of the team before this evening. Send a group text minus Emily and add Dr. Roberts to it. Have everyone meet us at the Diner in an hour. We will not discuss anything until we get in the car."

Just then Emily called out that she was leaving for the day. Sean nodded and opened the door just as she was closing the outer door that led downstairs to her office. I texted her advising we heard her and will meet up with her around 3pm back here to discuss this evening if that was acceptable to her.

I sent the text message as I walked over to my overnight bag. As usual the questions came quick and fast.

Dr. Roberts: It's my off day so I will meet you all at the Diner.

Kota: Alright. Do either of you need anything?

Gabe: Oy! What's the emergency?

Victor: Is Emily alright?

Silas: What is wrong with our Goddess?

Gabe: She is quiet, but says she is fine. She just picked me up to take care of the VIP Lounge while she handles everything else. She said she will be back home for the meeting at 3 pm.

North: Luke, Silas and I are already at Diner for breakfast shift. We will take a break when everyone arrives. Uncle says we can leave at 2:30 so we will be at the meeting at 3pm.

Luke: I will reserve the back section for our meeting.

Me: Thanks Luke. Can you see if Uncle can get us something to eat. I need food.

Silas: Uncle says no problem. We will take care of it.

Me: Tell him I said thank you.

Nathan: I will be there, but I will be about 10 minutes late. My client just got here and they have a one hour session.

Owen: Gentleman, we will discuss everything when we meet. Mr. Coleman, you stay and assist Emily and we will see you this afternoon. I will give you an overview of what we discussed this afternoon in private. Mr. Griffin, we will start once you arrive. Mr. Korba please let Uncle know we appreciate him providing us breakfast this morning. Sean and I will see everyone there.

As I dress, I notice Owen is thinking deeply. As we got into the car and he put on his seat belt, I let loose.

"Owen. I can't believe them. I am so angry right now. I could use a couple of hours just to calm down. Can you believe what they said about Sang and our family. I think it's extremely hypocritical and wrong of them to preach family first when they don't practice what they preach. And what's that crap about some people are not worth fixing. You and I both know that is a bunch of bullshit."

"Calm down Sean, I agree......"

Out the corner of my eye, I see him look at me in shock. "Calm down? Calm down my ass!" I yelled "They just blatantly tore down Sang and our team right in front of us. Then the icing on top of the cake, they tore down their own daughter. I know you are pissed, you paced and rubbed your bridge of your nose several time. Also your grip is so tight around the steering wheel, your knuckles are white. Honestly Owen, how the hell are you so calm about all of this?"

"Calm, I am not Sean. I am imagining choking the life out of them. I am pissed beyond belief and think they are horrible people. However, that won't help us. Believe me, you know I will not stand for anyone to insult our family. Unlike them, I believe in family first."

"Something is not right here Sean. Did you hear what they said? I think something else is going on. You know I do not like doing a job without all the facts. We will discuss this with Phil separately before we bring this to the family. Maybe he can fill in some of the pieces." As we get out of the car, he turned to me and placed his arms on top of the roof and continued, "Sean, we need to be together when we talk to the family and Phil. You know they can pick up on our moods. We won't lie to them, but until we have more information I want to hold off on telling them until we have all the facts. You know they are going to have questions and I want to make sure we can answer them."

"Alright Owen. I will follow your lead, but just know I am angry." I say as I slam my car door. I know he won't say anything about it as we are both upset.

"Come on. Maybe we will be able to think clearer after we eat and plan today. Then we will talk to Phil."

"Yes, I need some coffee and some good food. This is too much to process on an empty stomach." as my stomach growled loudly.

"Yes, I hear". He looked at me and gives me a that small smile and shook his head. I start laughing, as I open the Diner door.

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