Gwen retaliates with her Anodite magic, casting spells that weave through the air, attempting to bind FourMungousaur's movements.

Wanda, with her powers of manipulation, tries to disrupt Ben's control over FourMungousaur, but Ben's determination keeps him focused.

With each thunderous step, FourMungousaur pushes through Gwen and Wanda's defenses. His tail whips through the air, smashing aside any obstacles in its path.

The ground trembles beneath his feet as he unleashes a mighty roar, shaking Gwen and Wanda to their core.

Despite their best efforts, Gwen and Wanda find themselves overwhelmed by FourMungousaur's sheer power and size.

The battle takes a toll on them, draining their energy as they struggle to keep up.

With one final, earth-shattering blow, FourMungousaur delivers a decisive strike, sending Gwen and Wanda flying backward.

As the dust settles, Ben stands victorious, his transformation fading away. Ben returns to normal, "WANDA NGH NOW!!!!" Gwen shouts

Wanda rushes ahead and tries to free him again but he bats her to the side, he then activates one Biomnitrix and turns into Heatblast.

(By using just one gauntlet, the user can transform into normal aliens.)

His flames burn brighter and hotter, fueled by the power of mind control. With each step, the ground beneath him sizzles and smolders.

On the other side, we have Gwen and Wanda, ready to unleash their own incredible abilities.

Gwen, with her mastery of Anodite magic, conjures swirling energy around her, crackling with vibrant colors.

Wanda, known for her immeasurable magical powers, taps into her immense potential, ready to reshape the battlefield.

The clash begins, and the air crackles with energy. Heatblast launches fireballs, blazing through the sky, while Gwen counters with her Anodite magic, forming protective barriers that shimmer and glow.

Wanda, with her Magical abilities, creates illusions and throws chaos balls at her boyfriend.

As the battle intensifies, Heatblast's flames grow more ferocious.

He engulfs the battlefield in a blazing inferno, creating a wall of fire that challenges Gwen and Wanda's defenses.

Gwen, using her Anodite magic, attempts to manipulate the flames, bending them to her will.

Wanda, with her magical powers, tries to disrupt Heatblast's control, but the mind control proves too strong.

With each fiery blast, Heatblast pushes Gwen and Wanda to their limits.

Gwen's Anodite magic weaves through the air, attempting to counter Heatblast's fiery onslaught.

Wanda's magical powers twist and turn, trying to unravel the mind control that binds Heatblast.

But Heatblast, under the influence of the mind control, fights with an intensity and determination that Gwen and Wanda have never seen before.

His flames burn hotter and brighter, scorching the ground beneath him. The battle reaches its climax as Heatblast unleashes a massive explosion of fire, engulfing Gwen and Wanda in a swirling vortex of flames.

As the smoke clears, Heatblast stands triumphant, he turns back into Ben once again.

Wanda with burns and blisters littering her suit tries to free him again but he again bats her away.

"One more time should do it..." Wanda says

Wanda and Gwen found themselves in a fierce showdown with Diamondhead, the crystalline alien with super strength and the ability to shape-shift his body into diamond weapons.

They had to be cautious, as Diamondhead's attacks were powerful and relentless. With their combined powers and quick thinking, they managed to outmaneuver him and stagger him so Ben changes again.

Next, they faced Ghostfreak, a spooky alien with the ability to turn invisible and possess others.

Ghostfreak's eerie presence sent chills down their spines, but Wanda and Gwen didn't back down.

They used their unique abilities to expose Ghostfreak's weakness and banish him back to where he came from.

After Ghostfreak, they encountered Stinkfly, a slimy insectoid alien with the power to fly and release noxious fumes.

Wanda and Gwen had to dodge Stinkfly's toxic attacks while finding a way to disable the mind control. Gwen fires a bolt of mana to strike his wings sending Stinkfly flying down.

The next alien they faced was XLR8, a lightning-fast creature with the ability to run at incredible speeds.

Wanda and Gwen had to think on their feet, using their powers to create obstacles and slow down XLR8.

With their combined efforts, they managed to block him off, from his routes and let him run into a wall of mana sending him to the ground.

As they pressed on, they encountered Wildmutt, a ferocious beast with heightened senses and razor-sharp claws.

Wanda and Gwen had to rely on their agility and quick reflexes to evade Wildmutt's attacks.

But Gwen forms a ball of mana around him and slams him to the ground so Ben changes again.

Next in their path was Cannonbolt, a powerful alien with a tough, armored shell.

Wanda and Gwen had to come up with a clever strategy to penetrate Cannonbolt's defenses and disable the mind control.

Through their resourcefulness, power, and teamwork, they succeeded in defeating Cannonbolt.

After defeating Cannonbolt, our courageous heroines confronted Ripjaws, the formidable aquatic alien.

With their powers and quick thinking, they engaged in an intense underwater battle, using their agility and strength to outmatch Ripjaws.

Through their unwavering determination, they managed to break the defeat ripjaws after a while.

But the challenges kept coming. The next alien they faced was Blitzwolfer, a fearsome werewolf-like creature with sonic howls and enhanced strength.

Wanda and Gwen had to be strategic, using their combined powers to counter Blitzwolfer's attacks.

With their unwavering teamwork and resilience, they finally defeated Blitzwolfer. Wanda then walks over limping and frees her boyfriend from the mind control.

Ben slowly comes to his eyes finally cleared up as he sees the battlefield, "What happened?" Ben asks

"Nothing you were in control of...cmon...we have to finish this." Wanda says

Ben slowly stands as they look up to face Agatha one final time.

Ben 10 In The MCUWhere stories live. Discover now