152: Hideout.

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Ben and Wanda knock on a door, the door eventually opens revealing Ben's grandpa.

Max: Ben what happened?

Ben: We where attacked...albedo and this witch...

Max makes way letting in Ben and Wanda in as Gwen comes out.

Gwen: Woah what happened?

Wanda looks at her black fingers.

Ben: Wanda you ok?

Wanda: I'm fine, max can we hide out here?

Max: Don't even have to ask, Ben you said albedo is back?

Wanda: Who is albedo? And why does he look like Ben?

Ben: Albedo is Azmuth's former assistant, who, in his attempt to recreate the Omnitrix, turned himself into an imperfect clone of me. Since then, he has been trying to get back to his Galvan form, while also harboring a great hatred and thirst for revenge against me. He has all of my transformations and more...

Wanda: That doesn't explain who Agatha is.

Gwen's eyes widen.

Gwen: Did you just say Agatha?

Wanda: Yeah why?

Gwen: Agatha...she...she's one of the most powerful witches in all of time. The fact you guys are still alive is astonishing...I think I have something about her in my book.

She runs to her room and comes back with a book.

Gwen: Agatha Harkness was a witch from Salem, Massachusetts, who was accused of practicing dark magic by her own coven during the Salem witch trials. *flips page* In 1693, during the Salem witch trials, the coven brought one of its members, Agatha Harkness, to the woods. She begged to be spared but was tied to a wooden post with magic bonds. Evanora Harkness, her mother, inquired if she was a witch to which she replied yes. Evanora responded by saying she had betrayed her coven and stole knowledge above her place and that she practiced the darkest of magic, which Agatha denied. The witches tried to kill Agatha with energy beams as Agatha pleaded with Evanora. Agatha continued to cry until her powers took over and she reversed the effect of the beams onto the witches and killed them. Agatha broke free of the post and killed Evanora before taking the brooch off her mother's corpse and flew away. And that was the last anyone has ever seen of her until today.

Ben: So the logical thing would have to be me face albedo and Wanda face Agatha.

Gwen: Woah...Agatha is the most powerful witch that has ever walked the earth how do you think Wanda will be able to fair against her.

Ben: Gwen Wanda is the most powerful person I've met she's got this besides you'll help right?

Gwen: No...I won't.

Ben: Why not?

Gwen: Because I don't wanna fight myself.

Ben and Wanda tilt their heads. Max suddenly let's out a scream of pain. Ben and Wanda jolt their heads to the side.

Max has been stabbed by albedo, Gwen glows and turns into Agatha.

Agatha: Did you really think that we didn't know that you would come here first?

Ben: MAX!!!!!!

He runs over only for albedo to turn into humungousaur and Bitch slap ben through the wall.

Wanda: Ben!!

Agatha sets the whole house up in flames as Wanda appears next to ben.

Ben: Max...No....

Agatha: If it's the last thing I do we will have your power!! Till then...we will break you...too-daloo!!

Agatha vanishes alongside albedo. Ben gets up and runs into the burning building, he crouched down at max who coughed.


Max coughs blood.

Ben: Max...stay with me we're gonna get you help!

Part of the roof falls.

Max: Ben...you have to...get out of here...

Ben: Not without you!!

Max: There comes a time in a man's life...when he has to let go...you have to let me go Ben...

Ben: Max...

Max: I love you son.

He closes his eyes as Ben screams holding his body and the roof falls onto them.

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